Pronouncing The States & Territories In An Aussie Accent
Learn Australian English in this episode of Aussie English where we go over pronouncing the states & territories in an Aussie accent.

G’day guys.
Welcome to this episode of Aussie English.
Today we’re going to learn how to pronounce the different states and territories in an Australian accent.
Let’s go!
So, not only are we going to learn how to pronounce the different states and territories in an Australian accent today guys,
but I also want to continue to practice contracting “Going to” to “Goin’ah”,
which you would’ve seen in the city pronunciation video,
but also, I want to teach you the phrasal verb “To check out”, which means to examine, to look at, to go and see.
So, we’re going to practice “Goin’ah check out”, “Goin’ah check out”.
I’m going to go see it. I’m going to go examine it. I’m going to go look at it.
Listen and repeat after me, guys.
This is a list of all of the Australian states and territories said with an Australian accent ranked from highest to lowest by population.
Listen and repeat:
New South Wales
Western Australia
And this often gets reduced down to just “WA”,
“We’re going to WA.”
South Australia
And this often gets reduced to “Tassy”.
The Australian Capital Territory
And this often gets reduced down to just, “ACT”.
The Northern Territory
So, before we get into the next exercise, guys, where I teach you “Goin’ah” and “Check out”,
let’s just go over the fact that we contract “Aus-tra-li-a” down to “Aus-tra-lia”.
So, that’s “Aus-tra-li-a”, four syllables, that turns in to “Aus-tra-lia”.
And we often do the same thing for “Ter-ri-tor-y”.
So, instead of saying four syllables there in “Ter-ri-tor-y”, we contract it down to just “Ter-ri-tory”, “Ter-ri-tory”.
“Aus-tra-lia”, “Ter-ri-tory”.
So, those are just a few things to note there pronunciation wise.
“Aus-tra-li-a”, “Aus-tra-lia”.
“Ter-ri-tor-y”, “Ter-ri-tory”.
So, listen and repeat after me guys.
We’ll practice “Going to” getting contracted to “Goin’ah” and the phrasal verb “To check out”,
which means to look at, to examine, to go and see a place.
Let’s go.
Listen and repeat:
New South Wales
I’m goin’ah check out New South Wales.
You’re goin’ah check out Victoria.
He’s goin’ah check out Queensland.
Western Australia or WA
She’s goin’ah check out Western Australia.
She’s goin’ah check out WA.
South Australia
We’re goin’ah check out South Australia.
Tasmania or Tassy
They’re goin’ah check out Tasmania.
They’re goin’ah check out Tassy.
The Australian Capital Territory or The ACT
I’m goin’ah check out The Australian Capital Territory.
I’m goin’ah check out The ACT.
The Northern Territory
You’re goin’ah check out The Northern Territory.
Note: “Goin’ah” is only spoken. “Going to” is how it’s written.
So, I hope you liked this episode guys.
See you in the next one. Peace out!
Check out the other recent Australian pronunciation videos below:
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