AE 639 – WWP: Win My Car in the 30-Day Aussie English Competition!
Learn Australian English in this Walking with Pete episode where I tell you how you could win my car and 12 months in the Academy in the 30-day Aussie English competition!
AE 639 - WWP: Win My Car in the 30-Day Aussie English Competition! transcript powered by Sonix—the best audio to text transcription service
AE 639 - WWP: Win My Car in the 30-Day Aussie English Competition! was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the latest audio-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors. Sonix is the best way to convert your audio to text in 2020.
Guys, it is cold. Summer is up and down at the moment, I'm just walking outside to get into my new car and we can have a little chat in there, but I thought I'd do this episode a little differently in the new KIA Sorento Platinum 2012.
That's right. It's 2012, the model. But I thought we would do this episode a little bit differently. I'll probably walk around the house as I'm doing things. So, it's sort of a Walking with Pete episode, but obviously I wanted to start in the car because I have a big announcement to make. And that is that I am going to give away, that's right, for free, to one of you guys, my old car, my station wagon, the very first car that I had once I began my relationship with Kel.
So, as you guys will be aware if you've been following me recently, where I recently bought this car, it's been a big thing for me. So, I'll tell you the story. You know, like and I hope you don't mind me telling you numbers. You know, the price of things, but I'm not really worried about talking about money. I like sort of letting you guys in on that kind of stuff, so that you have an idea of what things cost, and, you know, I know it's very important to kind of get your bearings, right? To have an idea of, Yeah, prices where you are, what to aim for, what's possible, That sort of stuff.
So, obviously, I've been working hard for the last four years with Aussie English, maybe a little bit longer, maybe, 2015. So, I think I started at the end of 2015, so maybe five years. Yeah. Anyway, that's not the point, but I've been working hard on that, trying to grow that and obviously left my job, well, left my job, I was doing a PhD, I left that. I decided I didn't want to do that anymore and that, instead, I wanted to continue with the podcast and make it my full time career because I really got a lot out of helping you, guys. You know, it was so much more satisfying. Recording podcast episodes, creating content, putting it up on the website and helping you guys to improve your English, than it was to study at a desk and do research science. You know, nothing wrong with doing that, and that was still fun, but I just got a lot more out of helping you, guys, because on a day to day basis, on a daily basis, I would receive messages from you guys asking questions, giving me feedback and also saying thank you all the time.
You know, I just received an amazing message and I might actually read this out to you, guys. Hopefully she won't mind, but I won't name her, but I was going to ask her if I could share this with you, guys. But this is the stuff that really gets me and brings a bit of a tear to my eye, right? So, you guys mean a lot to me, and that is why, that's the reason why I chose to continue doing Aussie English, because I feel so fulfilled and satisfied helping you guys to achieve, you know, better things in your life as a result of improving your English abilities when you move to Australia, when you study in Australia, when you travel to Australia, right? Or even if you're elsewhere in the world, obviously, and just using English.
Anyway, so this girl sent me a message saying, 'hey, Pete, I just wanted to say thank you'. And she wrote 'thank you' in capitals, 'for the hard work you do, helping us to level up English. I decided to take the test', I believe she's talking about IELTS, 'but I don't have the discipline. I don't have the discipline to study it and heard many people saying that it is super hard to get a good mark. So, if you want to do it, you have to study almost every single day for a year. So dramatic. But I started little by little listening to your podcast, learning new phrases every time. Then started to listen to the podcast and became obsessed with it and couldn't go one day without listening to at least 30 minutes of Aussie English. Then I decided to finally take the risk, and I got 7.5 overall and 8 on listening for the IELTS exam. I didn't feel it as if I was studying. It just became part of my routine again. Thank you so much. God bless you. I know it's not easy to keep the channel alive, but you can see how you change people's lives'.
So, guys that, you know, first of all, to this person, hopefully she listens to this episode. And, you know, thank you so much for sending me that kind of message, because that's my fuel. That's what really keeps me going, right? You know, I really, it touches me to get those kinds of messages, tearing up a little bit at the moment, but yeah, so that is the main reason, right? I would never receive anything like that for studying science, right? Or at least it would be, and it has to be something very, very rare, you know, very strange, very peculiar for you to receive a message like that, a life changing message because of your study of rats, what I was studying whilst at the museum in Melbourne University.
So, anyway, long story short, you guys are the reason I started as English. You guys are the ones who buy my products, who listen to my podcast, who share it with other people who support me, who give me the motivation to keep doing what I'm doing. And yeah, because you pay my bills, you know, I'm just doing Aussie English, this is all that I currently do to support myself, to support my wife Raquel and to raise our child, Noah, you know, you guys are the reason that I exist. So, it's a massive thank you to you, guys. For the last year, I've been trying to grow Aussie English as much as possible and help you guys, but also with an eye on the future, and first and foremost, I wanted to get a house, right?
So, you probably know that story where I didn't have enough saved up, right? So, I think I had like ten thousand saved up, which wasn't enough to, obviously, get a house loan, and the problem the main problem was that Aussie English has been growing quite dramatically over the last few years. You know, where the first year when I started to sell products, I probably made a few thousand dollars in that entire year. The next year, it was something, you know, tens of thousands of dollars, and so the problem was that my last tax returns, my most recent tax returns, because the amount on the last two tax returns I've done hasn't been very big, I think I had something like fifty thousand dollars of taxable income last year for the entire year, you know, from everything that I did, including private lessons and whatever else, and so that was no way near enough on one income for us to get a loan, a sizeable loan, to get a house.
So in other words, I had to wait. I will have to wait another few years before the income is at a point where I can get a loan from a bank or from a lender to be able to buy a house and for your reference, the kinds of houses that are around here, you know, for a, say, three bedroom, four bedroom house for the average family in the suburb that I'm in currently, they're between about 600 thousand to a million dollars, right? Over a 30 year period that you would pay that off. So, it's crazy. I have to be able to get a loan of about, at least, half a million dollars to be able to get into a house.
So, with that in mind, I thought, alright. So, we're not going to have enough to buy a house in the next few years, so we'll just keep saving for that slowly, but the next thing that was really important to me was buying a car. I wanted a safer car, a newer car, a more comfortable car to have my family in so that we can go on road trips, so that if I have my son in the back, I know that the safety in the car is at such a level that if anything were to happen in the future, especially when Kel learns to drive and she starts taking the car out by herself, I know that they'll be as safe as possible. So, I wanted to buy the newest possible car I could, and that was in as nice a condition as possible. So, I saved up for probably the last year and a half. Just saving, saving, saving, I think I saved up, you know, I had twenty thousand dollars in my bank account. Maybe a bit more. But that sort of Aussie English's money as well.
And I found this car for twenty thousand dollars, nineteen thousand dollars. And it had only fifty nine thousand kilometres on it. It was a 2012 model, and I just had to jump on the opportunity and get it, right? It was, it was just scary thing spending that kind of money, that amount of money on something, because I don't think I've never spent that amount of money on anything in my life.
But the only reason I can really justify it is because of my family, first and foremost. I don't think I would have ever bought this car if I had been single and not had a family. But yeah, so, but it's because of you guys. So, that's why I wanted to be making this episode. I wanted to say thank you so much for all the support, all the shares, all the messages, and obviously every single person who's bought anything from Aussie English, that money has directly gone into this car, which will provide safety and security for my family and also allow me, hopefully, now to travel around more comfortably and provide you more content around Australia. We want to do quite a few road trips in this car. So, with that spiel aside, I decided, you know, I could sell my old, old I mean, as in previous car, it's not that old. It's a 2004 model. B.A. Falcon, it has quite a few Ks on it.
Three hundred eight thousand kilometres on it. But the good thing about these cars is they're very common, they were made in Australia, there are parts everywhere and the parts are very cheap and mechanics can work on them pretty much anywhere in Australia. Any mechanic will be able to repair this kind of car. So, they're cheap to ensure, they're cheap to fix, they're cheap to buy and, so my plan was originally, you know, I'll sell it and I'll, you know, and make maybe two thousand two and a half thousand dollars from the sale after I get it roadworthy and repair whatever needs to be repaired.
But then I thought, you know what? It's just a few thousand dollars. It's not the end of the world. And I want to show my gratitude to you, guys. So, I decided that I'm going to give it away in a competition to one of you guys. So, the idea currently is that once I launch, this competition, it'll be a 30 day competition where the there'll be a few conditions. You'll have to be in Australia, you'll have to have an Australian licence, I believe so that you can buy the car and change it into your name, ok? So, that's one of those things, you'll need a licence that's valid in Australia, I believe, ok? So, I'll probably have to check, but I think you'll need an Australian licence if you've got a full licence in your country, they're pretty easy to sort out, you just have to go to somewhere like Vic Roads and you can just purchase it or change your licence over. Worst case scenario, you might have to do a driving test, but I know that loads of you get to Australia, you don't have any transport and you need to be able to get around, you need a job, right?
And when you get a job, you need to be able to get to work, or maybe you have a family and you want to go on road trips. Well, maybe you don't have a family and you want to go on road trips. But I know that transport is a very important thing to you guys. And that's why I wanted to give this car away. So, it's old. You know, it's a 2004 model, but it's incredibly reliable, there is nothing wrong with it . currently, you know, the only reason I want to get rid of it is because I've upgraded and I only want one car at the moment, right? Kel can't drive. She doesn't have a licence, she's going to sort that out this year, but we don't need two cars. So, that's why I want to get rid of it.
So, the idea will be that you need to come and get the car. So, if you win the prise, you'll have to come and get it. You'll have to have a licence, so that you can have it transferred into your name, but it will be free for me. I will not ask any money, I will give you the keys to the winner and the car is yours. However, you will have to when you change the car over into your name, when you register it under your name, when you go to somewhere like Vic Roads, if you're in Victoria, you have to pay stamp duty, which is a few hundred dollars.
So, that'll be up to you guys, ok? But I'm just letting you know and you'll also have to get insurance on the car, which I think at the moment is a few hundred dollars a year for a third party insurance. So, yeah, the plan now is to run the competition for 30 days. In order to win, you're going to have to send me a video or a written email that tells me how winning this car is going to change your life for the better in Australia. So, I want you to tell me in a short video or, you know, a few hundred words how having this car is going to make your life easier, improve your life, you know, I want to know how it's going to help you in Australia. And there are going to be three prises, three main prises for this competition.
Number one will be the car, and it will also be a year membership to the Aussie English Academy. The second prise will be just a year membership, 12 months to the Academy. I think these are normally eight hundred dollars, right? So, you're saving a bunch of money if you were to get it month to month. That's about eight hundred dollars a year.
So, these will be free for first and the second winners and the third prise will be a month free in the Academy, ok? The only other thing to be able to enter this competition, I should add, is that you need to be in the Academy in the Premium Podcast, or you have to have bought a course from Aussie English, ok? So, in other words, you have to have purchased something from me, and this is the reason that I've got the new car, right? You're one of the people who's helped me get the new car. If you've purchased something from me and you reply to the receipt email to that purchase with the video or written email of how this car will change your life in Australia, you'll go into the draw to win this and Kel is going to be the person, my wife will be the person to choose the winner, ok?
So, I'll probably write this out and make it a little clearer about what you need to do in order to enter the competition. Because there's a few things that I've mentioned in there, but that's my current idea, ok? First prise will be the car and a year membership in the Academy for free, second prise will be a year membership in the Academy for free, third prise will be a month membership in the Academy for free to enter it, you have to purchase something from Aussie English and you have to make a video or write a short piece telling me how the car would improve your life in Australia, and then email that to me in a reply to one of your receipts for buying something, ok?
So, I know that you've bought something from the website and that you're enjoying the competition. I'm going to run it for 30 days from when you first hear this episode and I'll announce the winner after that, ok? So, that's about it, guys. I'm still in the car here, I was meant to walk around, I wanted to get a drink, but yeah, this is probably gone long enough, but I wanted to share that with you, you know, I just want to say thank you so much again. I really appreciate how much hard work you guys put in to improving your English, from improving your lives to moving to Australia, I know it's such a big thing and this is the reason I wanted to do what I can, the little that I can to boost some of you, guys, you know, the winners of this this competition to help you make your lives easier in Australia, right? I know how hard it is when you completely change your life like that.
So, anyway, guys, I hope you're looking forward to this competition. I definitely am, and I can't wait to give the case to the winner. So, apart from that, guys, you know, I thank you so much again. I can't say thank you enough. I really, really appreciate all of you. And I will talk to you soon. Peace.
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