AE 512: Kel & I Chat about Our New Studio & House
Learn Australian English in this casual chat episode of The Aussie English Podcast where Kel & I chat about our new studio & house.
AE 512: Kel & I Chat about Our New Studio & House!
Kelly, welcome to the very first episode of Aussie English in my new studio. It looks amazing. Smells amazing. Smells amazing. True. How do you feel? It’s a bit of a different set up, isn’t it. It’s great. It’s very different, ’cause you always had to improvise, right, like, I mean, at least when we were living with your parents, it was always like, oh dad can I use your office, or like, you know, doing things in a very improvised way, but now you’re very professional, so… Feels more professional and sound better, hopefully. I’ll have to check out the audio after this. But, so, we’ve got like new microphones. We’ve got a new desk. What have we got? We’ve got some special arms. A new house, man. We’ve got a new house as well. We do, we do. So… well, what do you want to talk about, Kel, ’cause it’s… well, we should probably tell them. It’s a trial. It’s 9:59 PM. Just came back from Melbourne. Yeah, Kel’s had the day at work and I’ve just dragged her out of bed and told her to get on the podcast. I’m like, c’mon let’s do an episode. We can just give them an update. We can just chat. We can… we can talk about nothing in particular. We can give them an update as to Kel’s pregnancy, the House. Business as usual or is it a bit different at the moment? What’s been going on in our life, Kel? A lot. Give me the deets. Give me the down low. You know, give me the information. We’ve finally settled. I mean, there are still a couple of things in the house to organise, but it does feel like a house, finally, like, you know, we have our place and after six months of sharing houses with people and another like four months… four or three months with your parents? We went back to my folks’ place I think September. Yeah. So, we came back in the 15th, right? Yes. All right, so we were there on the 15th until… What’s the date today? The day is like the 12th, and we’ve been here for, what, almost a week? In the house? We moved… yeah, a week. Exactly a week. Last Wednesday. Yes so, we were at my folks’ place for a bit over two and a half months. So, it was alright, but it was a bit full on. Just with… not because they’re bad people or they’re frustrating or anything. There’s just a lot of people in the house, so we’re sort of used to it, and just needing to find space, right. So, any time I wanted to record a podcast, I would have to find somewhere quiet, you know, whether it was in our room. I didn’t have a desk, ’cause there was just stuff everywhere and… or I would have to ask for Dad’s office to try and use that when he wasn’t using it for his things. So, it wasn’t ideal, but beggars can’t be choosers. It was definitely good, because we saved a lot of money. I could obviously save a few thousand dollars and spend that on this studio, getting the house organised as well has been pretty expensive. So, we’re back down to, you know, running on fumes. We’re back down to zero effectively. But yeah it’s been good. That’s it. I think it was hard for you saying that you work from home and having people always… always have people around. It does feel like, Oh, he’s always here. So, I think we have some time to take you for granted, yeah. Like, can you drive me… you know, can you take me somewhere? Can you do this? Well, one of the things I think that was annoying me the most was Mum would always come in and ask me to do stuff whilst I was behind the computer, and like, Dad would be in his office, so I would use the kitchen dining room table as my desk and, I mean, I understand, you walk into the room and you see me there, and you think, oh, Pete’s here and he’s just on his computer. So, he’s probably just, you know, fluffing about, but and I probably was at times. But yeah, that was the hardest thing. I’d be working, I’d be editing podcasts, I’d be doing whatever, and mum I’d be like, can you take out the trash? Can you take the dog for a walk? What are you doing for dinner? And I’d be like, Mum, can you just give me five or 10 minutes? I’m just trying to finish this up. But it’s hard for people around you, I guess, because it’s not that… at least, I can only speak for myself. But like, It’s not that I don’t respect your time, like, oh I just… you’re here, I assume you’re free to do whatever. It’s more like, I don’t know if you’re taking a break, I don’t know if you’re into like the miiddle of something really important. So, you know, I end up asking, can you do this and that? And then, oh no, like, he’s actually working hard right now. It’s all right. And that’s the good thing, I guess, about my job is the fact that I can… I can be more flexible. So, I can… I can do what I’m doing, but I can… It doesn’t have to… It usually doesn’t have to be done right then and there. I can go away, I can, you know, spend time with you, I can go out walk the dog, I can take the trash out, and I can come back and then measure the work. But on the other hand, if you, you know, if you take those things… if you let it take over, you’ll be like, oh, it’s 10pm, I haven’t done enough time. So, you have to be extra determined and organised. Yeah. That happens at times. Well, and I think the hardest part for me at the moment is finding a rhythm and finding boundaries. So, trying to get… Boundaries for your for other people? No, more for, like, where I need to get everything done by a certain amount of time. So, as opposed to is letting things kind of roll over like, oh, today I didn’t do this so I’d do it tomorrow or oh, I didn’t finish there by 5:00 so I’ll keep working until 11:00p.m. I think the difficult thing for me is now going to be getting used to having boundaries, especially, with the baby on the way. Yeah, I was about to say that. Havnig the baby at home. I’m sure there’ll be times when I’m like, can I just have a hand, or can… you have to step in. Which is fair enough. Absolutely. But also, I want to be free, because I want to spend time with the baby. So, I want to get everything done by a certain amount of time. And I think this is something… I wanted to talk about this for a while, I guess, with you, the pregnancy and everything, you and I are pretty different with preparing for things. I kind of just run in head first and I’m kind of like, ah, we’ll work it out. Like, I feel like it’s… for me, it’s kind of like when I was at university. It’s probably the story of my life. I’ve probably always been like this where it’s like, ah, I don’t have a plan, but I know that because there is a date when it has to be done by, it’ll get done. You know, like, I’ve always had that, whether it’s been my high school assignments, all the way through to my masters degree and my PhD at university. It was always like, okay, well, there is a cutoff date and I don’t know how many get it done, but it’s going to get done. I think I was like that, but there was a… there was a turning point in my life when I really thought I had to take responsibility. I mean, not sayinig that you don’t, I’m just saying personally for me, it was really like I was always relying on people to do things for me and since I became, like, the person who deals with my own problems and I solve things and I’m in charge, I became this obsessed person, like, I’m always… I’m trying to control things and I have to do something I’ll prepare for it, like… Well, it’s a two-edged sword, right, it’s a two-edged blade, where you’re a lot more organized than I am, but you’re a lot more rigid when thinking what you want to do and what you have done, and I think you’re a bit more, I daresay, neurotic in that you worry a lot about certain things. And, to my detriment, I don’t worry about things enough. So, I think it is… and this is where you and I probably balance each other out really well, I think, in our relationship, because you… I think you think the worst quite often for things and you worry, and I maybe assume the best when it’s not necessarily going to work out that well. And so, I think we end up in them in the middle somewhere usually, which works out well, ’cause I’m always like, ah, don’t worry, it’ll be fine. Why are you crying? It’ll be fine. The baby’ll be fine. We don’t have any money, but it will be all good. Don’t worry. It’s like… we’re not going to die in the street. Something’s going to work out. And Kel’s always like, that doesn’t fill me with confidence. I don’t know. Yeah, I am a bit neurotic I think. But it’s not something, like, I’m conscious about loss of time. Like with house, I was freaking out. I’m still a bit, you know, uneasy, because you have things everywhere. So, I want to get my… I go on holidays and I want to organise everything. So until I do that I just keep thinking about it. So, it just eats at you. You’re constantly thinking about, oh my gosh, there’s a mess in the house. I have to paint the furniture. Paint the furniture. I’ve got to organise all this. I know. Whereas, I’m just like, ah, it’ll get done. When it gets in the way. You know, I think if we were both in our house that was on fire, the moment the candle is lit and has fallen over you’re freaking out running around screaming, and I’m just like, yeah, whatever. I wonder who’s going to be saved. Well that’s it. And then by the time the entire house is on fire and I’m laying down trying to avoid the smoke, I’m like, I think it’s probably time to leave. It’s not going to be okay. It is a good balance, I guess, because you… a lot of times, you make me calm and, you know, you’re supportive and you say, things’ll be fine, and it does help. But other times, I’m like, Pete, you have to do it and that you’re doing it right now. So, it is good that we help each other. So, it’s a lot of carrot and whip for the donkey, right. Sometimes you’re really nice and then sometimes you’re like *whip sound*. But it’s good and we were talking about this a while ago where I was like, imagine if I was like you and we were in this relationship together. Or imagine if you were like me and we were in this relationship together. Nothing’d get done. Nothing would get done. We wouldn’t clean our teeth. We wouldn’t have got married, because, you know, we would be like… Ah I remember, I was always like, okay the documents, and then you’re like, oh yeah, no rush. You’re going to do it. And then I’m like… Good to have it done. Anyway, yeah, I don’t know how we got on to that. No. Me neither, but, yeah. Yeah, it is interesting. There you go. There’s a bit of a background to our relationship. That’s a reality… I don’t know, like, a reality call, reality check. I don’t know what to say, but like… Yeah, a reality check. When you’re finally living together. Because we were like, yes we got married, we’re still with your parents, and then in Canberra we were living together, and then there were other people around, but now we’re just you and me. It’s death. I’m kidding. So, it does feel like that’s my family. That’s it. It does feel weird to have your own place for the first time. I’m probably pretty old for someone who normally has their own place, just because I’ve been studying for so long, and then moving to Canberra and everything is well on top of it. So, it’s definitely good. It’s pretty weird to think that, I think, a year and a month ago I was still doing my PhD or I’d just handed it in. So, I’ve managed to support myself for one year. Amazing. I remember when you left. Thanks to you guys. Thanks to you guys. In no small part. I wouldn’t be withoutyou who are listening to us right now. I remember when you left the job at the restaurant, I was like, that’s amazing. ‘Cause it was it was risky, right. Like, you were like… I was crapping myself. I know. And Aussie English wasn’t… you know, you were still growing, but at the time, I was like, is it going to work? Like, is it… And then you were just like, you know what, I have to dedicate 100 percent of myself to this and it does… It is working. So, it is amazing. Well, and I think, yeah, I think the nail in the coffin for me, career wise, concerning my career, was when my dad was like, do you really think you’re made to work nine to five behind a desk? And I was like, you don’t think so? And he’s like, no. It is so good that your dad spoke to, you know, about those things, ’cause most dads… Yeah, I think he just saw that I was very creative and I was very… I like to do my own thing, I don’t really like to adhere to other people’s routines or schedules as much. I mean, you know, obviously within reason, family, friends, whatever, but like, studying like some of the other PhD students there, I just never did. I never went in from like 9:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the afternoon or whatever and just sat at my desk reading, reading, reading, I just couldn’t handle it. I needed other things going on. I needed a change of scenery all the time to just be keeping myself sort of, you know, cognitively active. I’d feel like a change between things. But that’s a double edged blade, because I’m constantly looking for new things to entertain me and make me interested and… But it’s good that your dad said that ’cause most dads will be like, you find a real love, you know, but… Well, he’s probably somewhat like me where he’s thinking, ah, it’ll sort out. He’s all good. Whatever. He’s sweet. It’ll work out. Pete’ll find a way. And it did. Still growing. Still growing. But yeah, I know. Well the next biggest step for us I guess and this is the hardest thing is just that being an adult is difficult with money right. So, it’s, you know, we’ve got a few thousand dollars saved up, we have to be thinking about the baby, we have to be thinking about saving up for the visa, ’cause you have to pay well, or we have to pay, $7,500, that’s going to be fun, for this partner visa, even though we’re married, even though we have a kid on the way, we have… It doens’t mean anything to the Government. Exactly. That’s it. No special treatment, huh, Kel? Were you expecting a red carpet? You were like, I married this guy! Let me in! I was really sad yesterday, because I need to take maternity leave from school, but I’m on a student visa, right. So, it’s a very complex sort of issue. You have to talk to school, and then… And you keep hearing conflicting things from different people. Absolutely. Yes. So, some people say, oh, it’s fine, you just get a medical certificate and you go there and they can’t deny your leave, and then I’ll go and talk to school, and they’re like, that’s not how it works. Or you hear the opposite, right, where you hear, oh, it should be okay. ‘Should be okay’ is the worst. And you’re like, please don’t say that. I want to know definitively, is it going to be okay or is it not going to be okay? My English is not perfect, but it is good enough to understand that ‘should be okay’ is not a 100% ‘it is going to be okay’. Exactly, or ‘it is not going to be okay’, in which case I can plan for what I need to do. Being myself, I can, you know, prepare. Kel’s had that a few times, ringing in the hospital trying to work out stuff with the baby and they’re like, ah, yeah, insurance, oh yeah, should be okay, and Kel’s like, I need to know! I need to know. It’s just so much money and they’re just so vague, you know, about those things, and… So, yeah, with the visa… and it’s funny, ’cause I was talking about this on Instagram and just saying, I’m so upset, that’s what’s happening, I’m… sometimes I forget how connected I already am to this baby, but something like that happens, and I’m just like, I don’t want to be away. He’s going to be two months old and I don’t want to be away even for two days a week, which would be good for me to, you know, take my mind somewhere else and just be… but at the same time I’m like, he needs me 100%, and, anyway, I was talking about that and people were just like, didn’t you marry an Australian? Why are you worrying about that. I’m like, that’s not how it works. Calm down. It’s not just, yeah, they don’t just roll out the red carpet. Everything’s champagne and, and you know… People don’t hand you, like, permanent residancy. You have the key to the city. No. Man, it’s hard work. It is. Don’t imagine you marry someone here and things will be, oh, I’m sweet just like I can stay for… No. You better save up and you better plan, because money isn’t necessarily… is not everything, right. If you don’t have enough evidence and… I’m carryinig a baby, man, and it’s not enough. It’s a lot. It’s a lot. I know. We just… I would’ve thought we could just do a DNA test and be like. Bam! There you go. The baby’s Australian. She can stay. It’s probably good that they see we are a family, right. Like, we have a stable long term relationship and there’s a baby, and so, it’s not a quick sort of thing, but then at the same time, they can just refuse it. Yep. on a whim. So, it’s really… it is important to be careful and know I’m not a resident yet because… just because I married to him. I want to be a Brazilian. Dammit! What do I have to do? Spend two years in Brazil. Two years!? Ah, it’s never going to happen. I want it to happen, but I imagine… I can’t imagine us moving there for two years, like, straight, if that’s what it… if that’s what it requires. I can imagine going there three months out of every year or something, but two years is a bit of a stretch, and to leave everything here would be difficult. I’d love to though. Don’t get sad for it. I would totally be up for it. We would probably go, but two years is actually quite long. But tell me about the… tell me about the temperature. How are you going? What was the temperature like today? How have you found the…? It was hot, but it wasn’t as horrible as… How how long was it? Like, the 39 degrees, 38 degrees, that we had. The heatwave. Maybe a week or two ago way. Yeah, it wasn’t that bad. It was hell. What? It was terrible. It was like a few days. You’re the one… This is the only thing. This is why I wanted to bring it up. So, Kel’s from the equator in Brazil. Literally, what is it like -2 on latitude, right. Longitude. Yeah, latitude. So, you’re from the equator and you lived there for 28 years, 27 years. 28. Yeah. And then you came here and you went to Townsville, which is in the very north of Australia. It’s like it’s getting up there. It’s in Queensland, North Queensland. But that’s not even… that’s like 12 latitude, right. So, that’s even further south and that’s hot. But what the hell, dude? You were over there, you were over there and in Townsville for for 30 years in this kind of weather and now you’ve come to Victoria and you’re like, this is too hot. I was always complaining in Townsville. Always complaining in Brazil. The thing is that there was no one to listen to me, you know… ‘Cause they were all from there as well, and used to it, and, what’s your problem? And, yeah, I just hate it. I feel really… Well, I don’t mind a sunny day, right. I like going out and going to the beach and things. I just don’t like feeling, I mean no one does, feeling so uncomfortable because it’s so hot. Like, and, like, last week we had two days it was extremely hot. It was pretty funny when you walked outside and you’re like, why is the wind so hot. It’s not humid. It’s just dry heat. That’s what… I’m not used to it, because… But it’s good it feels good. It feels horrible. I love it. Man, you wait. You wait. Go to the beach in summer on a 40 degree day, get the water, get out of the water, and you cool down, well, you don’t cool down, but you know the water evaporates straight off your body, like, so fast, and there’s no humid muggy uncomfortable sticky, like, wet feeling, because the humidity is so high in the atmosphere. Down here it’ll be hot, but it’ll be dry. I don’t know. And so, I really like it. I really like it. I don’t like it. I don’t like the heat, but I prefer that. I remember going to Queensland when I was doing turtle research during my undergrad. We would go there each summer for like four weeks, seven weeks, whatever it was, and I hated the 35 degrees every God damn day. Yeah, that’s pretty much like it is in Brazil. Yeah, and you couldn’t… you couldn’t wear socks, you couldn’t wear pants, you couldn’t wear a jumper. It was always… Always naked. No, well, it was just shorts. You know, you’re wearing a boardies and you’re wearing a wife beater, like a blue singlet, we call them ‘wife beaters’, and you’d wear thongs. Because people beat their wives always wear those singlets. It’s a slang term in Australia. I didn’t know it. So, those are called wife beaters, because, yeah, there’s a sort of, I guess, stereotype that people who hit their wives are always in singlets holding a beer, you know,. Oh gross! Yeah with a mullet. Oh, the worst! And, but yeah, I remember that and I was like, Queensland’s amazing, but… oh, and the night time, we’d be… I’d be sleeping in tents, well, I’d be sleeping in a tent. Woudln’t be sleeping in multiple tents. But it was so hard. You’d have like a blow up lilo, you know, lilos, yeah, like an inflatable mattress and a… your pillow and a sheet, and you’d have like the cover off the top of the tent. So, you’ve just got the flyscreen that effectively that, like, see-through mistnet kind of thing, and it would still be like, oh, I have to stretch out into a starfish and just, like, don’t let any part of my body touch any other part of my body. Yeah. So, anyway, whingeing about these hot places. So… Yeah, so I am from a really hot region in Brazil. I came to Australia to a hot terrible place. I mean, the city’s lovely, but just the temperature’s terrible. But I do complain about heat, ’cause I don’t like heat. I think anytime he gets above 28, you’re like, this is horrible. I just got used to it. This is as hot as it is in hell. I hate sweating. That’s why I got used to being always like clean and fresh. I don’t like it either, but I don’t know, if I want to go for a swim or something, I would much prefer that it was above 28 or so, ’cause I think the temperature needs to be hot above the water, right, like, the water can be cold, but if it’s… if the air temperature is the same or close to the water temperature, there’s no way I’m getting in. Even though the relative difference between the two probably makes it more pleasant, at least initially, I don’t know. I prefer it to be really hot. And that’s another thing. I do take living close to the beach for granted. Because it was like Brazil. Well, not that I was on the beach every week, but if I wanted I would… it would take me, what, like 15 minutes by car. If that. But… And what would it be here, Kel? From our house, you could probably throw a rock and it’d land in the water. But you guys just… you always say iit’s so nice to live close to the beach and everyone’s, like, looking forward to Summer. And, like, I just don’t get it. I’m just like, oh, whatever. The beach. Just like, eh, pffft! I’m just like, I don’t even swim, man! You’re learning. Yeah, trying to. Just showing you that, for me, it’s like, oh, you know, okay, Summer, yay! There’re people like that here. Yeah, I was… I went for years, I remember, when I was in high school, I think, without going to the beach, even though we lived so close. But you liked surfing and stuff. Yeah, when I was younger, but I think when I was like in Year 12, maybe, the final year of high school. I don’t remember. I don’t remember. I remember remembering that I hadn’t been for a long time, and being like, far out, I’m so close and yet I just don’t go down there. And it’s weird. It is one of those things, you just take it for granted, right. Absolutely. Even when we were running around Ocean Grove and Leopold picking up the things that we’d bought secondhand online, there were all these places that are so close to where I lived that I’ve never been in, and it’s like, what?! There’s this whole little town here that’s, you know, only 10 minutes away and I’ve never been here. I know it’s crazy. It’s so weird. It’s so funny how your world… like, mine expands all the way obviously to Canberra more recently and yet I know parts of Canberra are better than I know what’s right next door. I wonder, you know, how I’ll feel when I go to Brazil to visit my family to see the city from, like… For the first time in ages. Yeah, so different. Crazy. So, pregnancy wise, Kel, gives an update and then we can finish up. It’s almost been half an hour. How are you feeling? You entered the second trimester on the Monday. Yeah, it’s a big difference nnow. I thought it was like people trying to cheer me up, but it is very different. I think… I should be more responsible, 14 weeks. Yep. 14 weeks and two days. Two days. Congratulations. And I feel good. For the first time in three months? I feel really good. I feel my energy’s back. I don’t feel pretty like, people say you’re hair’s going to be amazing. Your skin’s going to be glowing. Shut up. Shut up. You’re beautiful. Shut up. I’m just like, whatever. I feel gross, but physically, I mean, like, energy wise, I feel great. I can, you know, do things and just fine. Carry, I help you with the things that I wanted to help. I know, now, I am always like, how much we’re trying to do or to carry? Like, if I’ve got a whole car load of stuff, I’m was like, mmm… God, I remember we tried getting a couch out of the car, and Kel’s like, I can do it. I can do it. And then, she picked it up and was like, nup! So, I had to call Dad to get him to come down from his house. But, it’s been good. Definitely entering the second trimester, it’s been good. So, has it sunk in yet? After we did the ultrasound and we got to see the baby for the first time, hear its heart beat, see it move. Has it really sunk in? It… I think it comes in waves. Like, with this school issue, I mean, trying to sort it out, but still like, bit shady. I don’t know what’s going to be. But, it was like, I imagined I was getting… I would get upset just like, oh yeah, I won’t be enough, I won’t have enough time at home, but I got really… It just crashed me. I was just like, wow, I do not want to be away. From the baby? From the baby, for the first six months. ‘Cause that’s something I’ll never understand, the bond that you get with the baby, well, in utero, whilst it’s in you, inside of you, but also I’d say whilst your nurturing it and breastfeeding when it’s first out of you, because obviously, you know, I’ll be here and I can hold it, but you have a completely different connection to the baby, because it literally relies on you for life, right. Like, I mean I can buy powdered milk, but… Yeah, I felt guilty. I felt like, wow, I’m not going to be here. And as if I was already the worst Mum on Earth. Like you were neglecting it or something? Yeah, I know. IIt probably… If it is, you know… things do happen as, you know, they were supposed to when I have more time away from school, great. But if I don’t it’s not the end of the world. You’re going to be here. We have your sister, we have your mum and your dad. So, you know… We can all breastfeed it. Yeah, we’ll just rotate through. No, but you can… You’re the dad, right? So, you’re the best person to stay with the baby if I’m not here. But I was really sad. It just really made me depressed and I was, like, crying and just feeling horrible. And that’s when you asked me if it has hit me and how I felt like… You weren’t expecting that reaction. Yes. If I’m having just a normal day, I… sometimes I don’t even think, oh yeah, I’m pregnant. But then, something like that happens, I’m like wow, that’s really strong. And I’m starting to lose my clothes and personal thiing, so dealing with my body changing, and… You are happy the other day. She doesn’t like spending money, guys. I don’t. She’s so cheap. Not even… to the point where she has a one dress at the moment. She has like a nightie, which is what she currently wearing now, what she sleeps in, right. It’s kind of a small dress, right. And you wear that around the house, generally, because it obviously is very comfortable, but you have one dress that my sister gave you that is a maternity dress, right, like the stomach part of it is stretchy material. It’s one of those stripy… what would you call it a dress, a skirt? It’s a dress dress. I don’t know. I don’t wear it. It’s just… It stretches. Stretch material. That’s it. And so, the other day, I’m like Kel, come on. Wewere out for breakfast with Annika, or was it the other day? With Annika. My sister and I was like, oh, we walked past a shop and I was like, there’s some nice dresses here, they’re on sale, let’s get some, Kel. You know, even if we just get one, like, let’s get somethiing. She’s like, nah, screw that. Too much money. Nup! It was $35, man. I’m like, I’m not buying that! That’s nothing. Thatt’s 50% off. It was $70, but only $35. I know. Like, I don’t know. If I was working, I’d probably the more, you know. Alright, let’s spend it. Yeah. But, because I’m not… Well, I’m contributing in different ways, but you… You’re growing a child. That’s a job, baby. You are growing a child. You’re working harder than I am. I know. She’s like, pay me more! But it jusst feels like… Again, because, I’m so, like, I’m a control freak and I’m trtying to, I feel like, okay, now we have our rent to pay and other things. So… And honestly, if I was like desperate for a dress, I’d probably buy one. But I know, it’s just a dress, right. I have other… I have one that I can use. So, it’s fine. So, you got me four dresses. Whereas I was like…. Yeah, I went out the other day. I had to get chords. I had to get all this stuff for the podcast. And then across the road there was… I think it was Rivers, it’s a brand here in Australia. And I just saw in the front window all these dresses for sale. So, I was, oh man, are they stretchy? I asked the lady, I’m like, so my wife is up the duff, she’s pregnant, she’s in her second trimester, what here will stretch and potentially survive the entire pregnancy? And she was like oh this stuff is fine. And it was like 15 bucks each. So, I got you four of them. They’re really cute. That’s a Christmas present. That’s the Christmas present by the way. Yeah. Thatt’s it. Early Christmas present. Oh, thank you. I need to find you something. Just be you, Kel. Come on! She’s going to make me pancakes. There you go, Pete. I’ll get you some socks. Yeah, great. Socks. Dinosaur socks. But, yeah thank you. It was sweet. Kel, never gets me dresses. No. All right. Well, and, what are you expecting for the rest of the pregnancy? Before we finish up, what are you… like, as a reference, ’cause we can obviously come back and listen to this, and maybe you can say this, imagine that you were talking to your child who was grown up and is now 18 years old and learning Australian English, and he’s dug through all the episodes of Aussie English over the last 18 years and found this one just before he was born, six months before. What are you expecting the rest of this pregnancy, if not the rest of his early life, to be like? I… I’m really looking forward to feeling like this ferocious love that people talk about when they talk about pregnancy and having a baby. I do love my baby, like, in a way that I feel so responsible for him, but it hasn’t really happened to me to be like, oh, head over heels by him, because it’s so new and there’s all these other things happening. Hasn’t dawned on you? Yeah, but I just hope the connection grows and yeah just want to… Do you think he’s going to be a good person? What do you think is going to end up being? Yeah, he’s going to be great. What’s his job going to be, Kel? What do you think he’s going to… A doctor. What kind of doctor? A surgeon. It’s already decided. Wow, you just put the weight of the world on his his tiny little baby shoulders. I hope he finds this episode one day. All right. Awesome. Well I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well. I tell you that. I tell you that. I hope you don’t feel sick. I feel amazing. I hope the second trimester easy, a piece of cake. You know. It’s just all downhill from here, right. Cool, so next time we can talk about birth options. Yeah, for sure. I think it’ll be a nice topic, and water birth and caesareans, and stuff, so, yeah. Yeah, definitely. All right, well, hopefully you guys have enjoyed this episode. It is now 10:30, so we’ve smashed out about half an hour. It’s nice try at the new equipment. Sorry, if I was moving away and like shaking stuff. Kel’s gettting used to it. She’s touching the table and like…. Yeah, sorry, guys. I can also hear an echo. I’ve ordered foam that will go on the walls to stop this echo, ’cause is currently the room has a bookshelf that is empty and a table with gear in it, and that is it, and the rest is just flat walls, and so… echo! You can hear the echo. A little bit, but… Not the end of the world. But hopefully, you guys have liked it. Hopefully the gear sounds better than it did previously, especially, when you get really close and it gets really intimate. It gets really intimate. You know, it sounds like I’m whispering in your ear. Anyway, it’s going to take a while to get used to that and getting used to the equipment. But it’s been fun. Thanks hanging out Kel, and guys, let me know what you think of this episode and if you’d like us to do more impromptu, spare of the minute chats like this. It was absolutely improvised. Yeah. Yeah. We didn’t have a script. We just sat down. Kel’s going to have fun transcribing this episode. I don’t know if you guys know, but Kel’s the one I actually pay now to transcribe all these episodes for the podcast, ’cause obviously, you know, she’s at home quite often and… And I need to improve my English as well. It’s working really well. Yeah, you’ve been enjoying it, right. Like… Yeah, definitely. You miss parts and you ask me what they are, but you must learn so much from having to listen to me and you talk or anyone else. And it’s funny to listen to myself and I know I have to stop doing that. I have to stop doing that. I have to stop saying ‘like’ so many times and, yeah, it’s really good. But that happens. I do that all the time. I’m sure you guys will hear me when I do expression an episode saying, right, right? No, you say ‘so’, all the time. So also. Right? So now. Yes, I know. We all do it. Anyway, thanks for joining us guys and we will chat to you soon. Peace out. Say “Peace out”, Kel. Piss out! That was “Piss out”, you’ve got to say, “Peace out”. Oh, shut up! See you, guys!
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