Pronunciation: Contracting HAS & HAVE onto QUESTION WORDS
In this Pronunciation episode of Aussie English I show you guys how contracting HAS & HAVE onto QUESTION WORDS is easy!
Pronunciation: Contracting HAS & HAVE onto QUESTION WORDS
G’day guys. Welcome to this episode of Aussie English.
Today, in this episode we’re going to be contracting the words HAS and HAVE onto seven different question words. So, we’ve obviously gone over both HAS and HAVE in previous episodes, but in this episode we’re going to do them both in the same episode. So, you guys are going to have to think on your feet a little bit.
The listen and repeat exercise that we’ll do now is going to be the seven question words, HOW, WHAT, WHICH, WHERE, WHO, WHEN and WHY. And I’ll go through each of these two times. I’ll go through them the first time with the word HAS. So, I’ll do the uncontracted version followed by the contracted version once for each of them. And then the second time I’m going to do it with the word HAVE uncontracted followed by contracted.
So, let’s just dive straight into it guys and do the listen and repeat exercise. So, listen and repeat after me.
Listen and repeat:
How has – How’s
What has – What’s
Which has – Which’s
Where has – Where’s
Who has – Who’s
When has – When’s
Why has – Why’s
How have – How’ve
What have – What’ve
Which have – Which’ve
Where have – Where’ve
Who have – Who’ve
When have – When’ve
Why have – Why’ve
So, that should be pretty intuitive guys. It shouldn’t be too hard to get your head around and understand. Repeat it a few times until making those contractions becomes subconscious, [it] becomes natural and you can do them without thinking.
And, as usual we’ll dive straight into the substitution exercise. And in this exercise today I’ve done numerous different examples with all the different question words, and I’ve tried to include examples with the word GOT as well using just the PAST PARTICIPLE. So, let’s just dive in and do it.
Substitution exercise: Contract HAS and HAVE onto the question words
How has he been?
How’s he been?
Which has he chosen?
Which’s he chosen
Where has she gone?
Where’s she gone?
Who has finished the test?
Who’s finished the test?
When has he got to go home?
When’s he got to go home?
Why has this been my problem?
Why’s this been my problem?
How have we been doing?
How’ve we been doing?
What has that got to do with anything?
What’s that got to do with anything?
What have I been telling you?
What’ve I been telling you?
Which have you liked the most?
Which’ve you liked the most?
Where have they put their keys?
Where’ve they put their keys?
Who have we been waiting for?
Who’ve we been waiting for?
Why have the houses been sold?
Why’ve the houses been sold?
When have they travelled there in the past?
When’ve they travelled there in the past?
How has he reacted to the news?
How’s he reacted to the news?
What has she been up to?
What’s she been up to?
Which has she chosen?
Which’s she chosen?
Where have I got to go?
Where’ve I gotta go?
Who have they been speaking to?
Who’ve they been speaking to?
When have you ever done that before?
When’ve you ever done that before?
Why has it made you so angry?
Why’s it made you so angry?
How have they been going at school?
How’ve they been going at school?
What have they been talking about?
What’ve they been talking about?
Which have we been looking for?
Which’ve we been looking for?
Where has she seen that film?
Where’s she seen that film?
Who has been asking about me?
Who’s been asking about me?
When has he been here before?
When’s he been here before?
Why have we got to tell you anything?
Why’ve we got to tell you anything?
And so, that’s really it guys. Keep practicing this episode. Go over it as many times as you need in order to learn these contractions to the point of them becoming natural and your English is only going to improve. See you in the next episode guys!
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