Pronouncing The Months In An Aussie Accent

Learn Australian English in this episode of Aussie English where we go through pronouncing the months in an Aussie accent.

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Pronouncing The Months In An Aussie Accent

G’day guys.

In this episode we’re going to learn how to pronounce the months with an Australian accent.

Let’s go!













So, for a few notes there, guys, even though though “January” is usually “properly” said with an extra syllable, Australian’s often just say, “Jan-u-ree”. “Jan-u-ree”. “Jan-u-ree”.

And it’s the same with “February”. That’s too hard to say. So, we often just shorten it to, “Feb-u-ree”, “Feb-u-ree”. “Feb-u-ree”.

The rest of the months are pretty straightforward. They’re just said as they’re spelt.

The only thing to note is that any of the months that end in “-ER”, in an Australian accent we say, “AH” instead of “ER”, like an American accent.

So, we would say, “Septembah”, “Octobah”, “Novembah”, “Decembah”.

And one last little note, every now and then you’re going to hear people refer to January and February as just “Jan” or “Feb”, “Jan” or “Feb”.

The rest of the months are always left as the full word, however, “Jan” and “Feb” are often contracted down to that first syllable.

January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December.

So, I hope you enjoyed this episode guys.

See you later!

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