Like A Native – Will Do!

In this Like A Native episode of Aussie English I teach you guys how to use the phrase “Will do!” to respond to requests or demands.

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Like A Native – Will Do!

Hey guys. Welcome to this episode of Like A Native, and today I’m going to teach you how to respond to questions, requests, or orders and demands with the response “Will do!”. And “Will do” is just short for “I will do that”, or “I will do this”, or “I will do the thing that you have asked or told me to do”.

So, I’ll go through some hypothetical questions or statements that people could say to you, and where you would respond with a variation of “Will do”.

So, for instance, your mum’s asked you to go to the shops to pick up some milk because there’s no milk at home. So, she could say to you, “Can you grab some milk from the shops?” and you could say “Yep, will do!”. And, “Yep, will do!” is obviously short for “Yep, I’ll do that”, but it’s just a quicker response. You just say “Yep, will do!”. If you were to say “Yep, I’ll do that” it’s a lot more formal because you’re sort of adding more words to the sentence. So, you reduce it down to just “Will do” when you’re talking to people like your parents or friends or even colleagues, you know, it’s just a more casual way of speaking.

Another example could be someone’s said to you, “Don’t forget to be home by 5PM tonight”. So, “I need you to be home before 5PM” or “By 5PM tonight”, and you could say “Ok, I’ll do that”, and that would be the formal way of saying it, or you can just say “Ok, will do!”

Another one could be that your boss needs you to be at work early today and he said to you “Make sure that you’re at work 10 minutes early”. So, that’s an order or a demand. Or he could ask you, he could say, “Can you please make sure that you’re at work 10 minutes early”, and you could say “Sure, I’ll do that” or you could just say “Yeah, sure, will do!”.

Another one could be your wife has rung you after you finished work and she’s said “Can you please pick up the kids after school” and you could say, “I’ll do that” or you can just say “Yep, will do!”.

Another one could be someone’s asked you to take the dog for a walk. So, they’ve said “Can you take the dog for a walk”, or “Will you take the dog for a walk” or they’ve just told you, “Take the dog for a walk”. You could say, “Alright, I’ll do that” or you can just say, “Alright, will do”. And the, “Alright, will do!” is just much more informal, much more casual, and a lot quicker to say. “Alright, will do!”.

And the last one would be you’ve just finished work and your husband’s called you and he’s said to you, “Can you please grab dinner on the way home?”. So, “Can you go and buy dinner at the shops?”, “Can you go and get take-away when you’re coming home? So that when you get home you’ll have dinner. I don’t want to cook”. So, they’ve said, “Will you pick up dinner on the way home”, and you could say, “Yep, I’ll do that. I’ll pick up dinner. No worries” or you could just say, “Yep, will do!”.

So, now let’s just quickly practice the pronunciation of “Will do” and I’ll run through this 10 times guys, and then we’ll finish up.

Will do!

Will do!

Yep, will do!

Yep, will do!

Sure, will do!

Sure, will do!

Alright, will do!

Alright, will do!

Ok, will do!

Ok, will do!

So, that’s really all there is to it guys. If you start using this when people ask you to do something or when they tell you to do something it’s just another very natural and… and native kind of way of responding to these requests or demands. And that’s all there is to it. Chat to you guys soon. See ya!

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