Aussie English Competition Results!

In this episode of Aussie English I tell you who the winners are for the Aussie English competition. Who won the car? Find out!

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G'day, guys! Welcome to this episode of Aussie English. I have a special episode for you today, as I always do. Today I have my wife here, because we want to talk about the car competition.


Are you pumped, Kel?


So Kel had the hard task, the hard job of going through probably, I don't know, 30, 40 different entries.

Yeah, a lot.

And having to try and decide on first place, second place and third place. Remembering that first place was 12 months in the Academy for free, as well as the car. The second prize or second place was 12 months in the Academy.


And third place was one month in the Academy.


So Kel how is the process? How was it? Was it difficult?

It was really difficult because I feel like everyone deserves to get the first pr and I wish we had a car for everyone, because although people do have different stories, like some people want the car to travel, some people want the car because they need it for work or maybe you have kids like, a lot of different reasons, I can see myself in the stories, like I came to Australia, I was struggling with my English.

Didn't have a car, couldn't drive.

So it's hard because you see that people are very... Everyone's struggling and everyone could benefit from having the car. But unfortunately, we just have one car.

Well, and that's why I wanted you to be the person having to make the decision because... Yeah, it was a tough one.

Really hard. And I just want to say to those who unfortunately didn't win, like it's not a matter of I don't think you deserve less than someone else, is just my criteria was who is going to benefit the most? And who is going to have the biggest change in their life with a car? And also the the Academy because, yeah, like as I said, just different reasons, people have different reasons, and I just I feel that's really unfair, but we just have one car. So, I really tried to be fair and really mindful of everyone's circumstances and context and reasons, but I think we made, I made a good decision.

I think you did, do you want to start with prize three or place three and do you want to, if you can, off the top of your head, tell us a little bit about the person's story or the reason for...

Without saying their name first?

You can say the name of the person.

Ok. So, the third place is Beatrice Cruz. She's a Brazilian girl, she lives in Sydney with her husband and daughter. And her daughter is, I think, nine months old as well, like Noah. So, yeah, she's in Sydney, she works a lot. A lot. And I'm sure a car would really benefit her, but we chose someone else. But she is working on getting a visa to stay in Australia. Her husband works as well, so really hard working family. And I can imagine that getting the Academy, access to the Academy will really help her, not only with, you know, job wise, but just, you know, to function in Australia. And yeah, I think because it's hard when you have a child is hard to have time to study. I can talk about it. So, yeah, it's really hard and it's so expensive. Like, you know, if you go to an English school, it is just complicated. And so I think, yeah, she deserves it because she is working really hard and I think she'll benefit a lot from the Academy with regards to getting a job and functioning in Australia.

And what about number two? Place number two?

Yes. Number two is an interesting one.

And this is 12 months in the Academy.

Yes. Her name is Nina. And Nina is... I just feel like, something interesting she said was I don't really need a car, I just want to learn. Like I really need to improve my English and that's what got me. Because imagine like, I remember when I got here and I couldn't talk to people, I couldn't communicate well. There was always like an embarrassment, and that would crush me like seeing people making friends and getting along with people when I was just like so embarrassed and to say it and to admit that and just say, hey, I just really need to learn, like my life, will improve so much if I get this one, I think it's amazing. Like, she's already doing a great job, like living in a country where the language is not your your first language, it's incredibly hard. So, I think she deserves the 12 month in the Academy.

Congrats Nina, and prize number one, Kelly. Who's it going to? So, they're getting the car and 12 months in the Academy. Was this a hard choice?

It's funny because he was the last e-mail I read and I was like, ok, let me see. And one of the things that really got my attention was he was very honest and genuine about everything he said. And he's coming to Australia, he's not in Australia yet, he's coming to Australia next week and is just starting his life here with his family. I think they have two kids, one boy. I'm not quite sure, but they're all coming. He was saying, well, like, I just, I'm just starting like, I don't know where to begin, like in Australia, I just have to set up my life there and having a car would be so good. Like, it would improve our life before we even start, you know.

You hit the ground running, right? You'll arrive in Australia and boom! And this was exactly what we sort of wanted to achieve with this where it would make the biggest difference.

Yes. Yes. And he's been supporting us for such a long time.

Yeah. So, I don't think you've mentioned his name, have you?

No, I haven't.

Go for it.

I don't know how to say it.

Alex is the winner. He has a Russian name because he's from Russia. Yeah. Congrats, Alex!

Yes. I think it'll be really good to see you starting your life in Australia with our car. You know, just, it'll be really, really nice to give it to you. And I hope you guys just make the most of it and thrive. And yeah, I just think it's really beautiful, not only because he's been supporting us for such a long time, and it's it feels good to help someone who's been with us since the beginning.

Well, you probably don't know and neither does any of the...

He mentioned that, but talking to you I got the whole picture.

Yeah. And I know Alex, so he's been giving me a lot of feedback on the Academy for a long time now. So, he's been around sending me emails, you know, helping me out, participating in things, you know, submitting videos, practising his English. So, he's been around and this is why I wanted you to kind of decide, because I would know a lot of the people who would enter and I didn't want to sort of be biased or, you know, choose certain people. That was why it was so difficult, I'm like, you do it, you do it. You don't know any of the people.

So, yeah, I didn't know him. I didn't know he was supporting you from the start. So, I wasn't biased or anything, but watching his video I just really, it really made me think, wow, it would be so nice to help him with his family. And that's all like that's what Aussie English is about, right? Helping people to come to Australia in a sense make the best start you can here. Either if it's like with having a car, like learning English or, you know, learning about the culture and slang in whatever we can do to help you blend in and be part of Australian now. Yeah. Really happy. I'm really happy with the result.

I think he chose well.

You think?

The whole point of the competition, you know, aside from the fact that really I mean, it wasn't easy deciding to give it away. Well, it was easy to decide to give away the car, but financially, we weren't really in a position to do it. But I definitely wanted to just help as much as I could, because I know how much you guys are working really hard and, you know, trying to improve your lives. And although, you know, we could've sold the car.


It's not brand new. It's not the best car in the world, but it's going to be able to help someone, although we could've done that, I really wanted to make as big a difference for you guys as possible instead of getting, you know, a few thousand dollars yet from selling secondhand on Gumtree or something.

So, I'm happy, and I can't wait to deliver the car. I mean, he's coming to pick it up, but I think he is coming to Geelong or something. Exciting!

Awesome. Well, well done Kel and well done. Alex for prize number one, Nina for prize number two, and Beatriz for prize number three.

Thank you for all the videos and emails you guys sent, again, it's unfortunate that we can't really, you know, give a card to every single one of you, but, thank you for your support and you for participating. It really, it really means a lot.

It was amazing reading a lot of your messages.

I was emotional. I was like, wow, People come from so different backgrounds and everyone deserves, everyone deserve to thrive in Australia, like everyone deserves a little bit like. It makes me really proud of you because you're doing so much to help people and I hope they know that.

I'm really proud of all of them for putting in the hard yards to improve their situation, improve their English and just keep working hard, guys, you're doing really well.


Anyway, congrats, guys! We'll probably have sent you all an email before you hear this this episode. But yeah, thanks for joining us. And until next time.


See ya!

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