AE 627: 20+ Better Ways to Say ‘I’m Excited’!

In this episode of Aussie English I teach you 20+ better ways to say the phrase ‘I’m excited’ so that you’ll sound more natural in English.

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I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control and I think a like it... oh, how's it going, guys? Just get into the mood. I'm excited! Today, I am going going to teach you a whole bunch of different ways to say 'excited'. Are you excited? Let's get into it! Let's get into it.

G'day, you mob! Welcome back to my channel, Aussie English. I'm your host, Pete, and this channel is dedicated to helping people build confidence, speak fluently and take their English to the next level. In today's episode, I'm going to teach you a whole bunch of expressions and synonyms for the word 'excited'. I hope you're excited.

Before we get into it, don't forget to smash that subscribe button, guys. Give a poke to the bell notification button if you want to stay up to date with all of the future videos and check out the previous videos in this series above here, guys, I've done a whole bunch that I think you're gonna love.

And lastly, guys, at the very end of this episode, make sure you stick around because we're going to cover slang and informal versions of this phrase. Anyway. Let's get into it.

Alright, guys, number one: 'animated', 'animated'. This one always makes me laugh because in languages like Portuguese and French, animated is the general way that they will say 'excited', right? 'Je suis animé' or 'eu estou muito animado', that's their way of doing it. If you say excited in these languages, it means sexually aroused, right? 'Je suis éxcité', 'eu estou muito excitado'. You wouldn't say that in those languages to mean excited like you do in English, ok? But you can in English, excited is fine. Animated is also fine. He's always animated at sports games. He's animated.

Number two: 'charged', right? 'Charged' as if you've put electricity into that thing. It's charge like a battery, right? A battery is charged. 'Charged'. The atmosphere at the comedy show was charged.

Number three: 'delighted'. 'Delighted'. I'd be delighted to have dinner with you. 'Delighted'.

Number four: 'eager'. 'Eager', right? Like you really want to do something. You're very keen. You're eager. My wife's always really eager to go to the movies. 'Eager'.

Number five: 'enthusiastic'. Make sure you say that TH, 'enthusiastic', 'enthusiastic'. What are you enthusiastic about? 'Enthusiastic'.

Number six: 'exhilarated'. Skydiving makes me feel exhilarated. I've absolutely no idea, though. I've never skydived. Maybe one day.

Number seven: 'fired up', 'fired up'. If something's fired up, it's like an engine. You fire up the engine to start the engine. So, if you're 'fired up', you're excited. I'm fired up. Ready to go. I'm fired up. The dog gets fired up every time he thinks he's going for a walk. 'Fired up'.

Number eight: 'hyperactive', 'hyperactive'. If you give that kid sugar, he's going to be hyperactive. 'Hyperactive'.

Number nine: 'thrilled'. 'Thrilled'. My family's always thrilled to have dinner together. 'Thrilled'.

Number ten: 'worked up', sort of like 'fired up', 'worked up'. Very excited. 'Worked up'. I often get worked up during interesting discussions. 'Worked up'.

Alright, guys, now let's do the English challenge. I'm going to show you the expressions and synonyms that we just went over on the screen, and I want you to pause the video and use one of these in a comment below, guys. This is the best way to start learning new vocabulary immediately, ok? Use it to learn it. I'll chat with you below.

Alright, guys, welcome back. Now, I have another nine expressions and synonyms for the word 'excited' for you. And then the bonus section, I'm going to teach you some slang and then may or may not be some rude ones. Anyway, let's get back into it.

Eleven: 'to be buzzing', 'to be buzzing', and you may hear this at times as the collocation 'to be buzzing with excitement', 'to be buzzing'. The atmosphere was absolutely buzzing.

Number twelve: 'can't wait'. I can't wait for something. I can't wait. I'm so excited for it. I can't wait to see you this weekend. Oh, my God, I can't wait.

Number thirteen: 'get carried away', 'to get carried away'. This is to get like so excited, people need to carry you away. 'Carried away'. Whoa, whoa. Don't get too carried away, mate. 'Carried away'.

Number fourteen: 'chomping at the bit'. I'll try and explain this one. So,'chomping at the bit', a 'bit' is the thing that goes in a horse's mouth that its reins are attached to, right? So, if I'm riding a horse, the reins are attached to...I can't even remember the word for it, the harness that goes on the face and the 'bit' is the bit... It's the pace in the mouth, right? That the horse bites on. So, race horses, when they get excited, quite often they chomp, they bite at the bit, right? They're chomping at the bit. At the moment, I'm chomping on the bit to go on a holiday.

Number fifteen: 'counting down the days until something' right? So, that's like you're thinking how many more days are there? How many more days? How many more days till Christmas? How many more days to my birthday? You're counting down the days until that thing. You're excited about that thing. So, you could say 'I'm counting down the days until Christmas'. You may not literally be counting them down, it may just be that you're excited for Christmas.

Number sixteen: 'dying to do something'. I'm dying to do something. Obviously, you're not literally dying to do that thing, you don't want to die in order to do it, at least hopefully, but we use this to show we're incredibly keen for that thing. Oh, my God. I am dying to go camping. I am dying to go for surf. I'm dying to do it.

Number seventeen: 'fired up and ready to go'. So, we learned that phrasal verb, earlier, 'fired up', but you'll often hear it in their full expression 'fired up and ready to go'. The footy team was all fired up and ready to go before the match. 'Fired up and eady to go'.

Number eighteen: 'itching to do something'. 'Itching to do something'. The kids are itching to play outside. 'Itching to do something'. It's like... Doesn't make any sense.

Right, and the last one for this section, guys, number nineteen: 'looking forward to something' or looking forward to doing something', right? You guys all know this one, 'to look forward to doing something'. Man, we're all looking forward to trying your birthday cake. 'To look forward to something', 'to look forward to doing something'.

Alright, guys, so I have a section here where we're going to go through some slang words that you'll often hear for being 'excited'. But before we get into that, guys, don't forget will pause the video, I'm going to show you these words on the screen and I want you to go down in the comments section and write your own sentence using some of these expressions. Use it to learn it. I'll see you there.

Alright, guys, welcome back. Now, we're going to go through a handful of slang expressions, but then I'm going to continue this on the podcast episode, ok? So, if you want to hear the rest of this episode, go into the description and click the podcast episode link and you'll be able to listen to these extra slang terms, one of which uses a swear word, ok? It's a little bit rude. Now, don't forget the Aussie English Podcast is for anyone and everyone wanting to take their English to the next level. This is an advanced English podcast where we talk about English expressions, life in Australia, news, current affairs, culture, history, it's a great place to level up your English. Anyway, let's get into the slang section.

Alright. So, number one here is the word 'pumped', right? 'Pumped'. Man, we're pumped to go to the beach today. We're excited. We're really pumped. That's a good one. I use that all the time.

Number two: and you can use this as 'amped up'. You can turn it into a phrasal verb. 'Amped' or 'amped up', again, related to electricity, I guess. You know, an 'amp' electricity, 'amped up'. He's always amped up at the gym. That guy is always amped up at the gym.

Number three: 'frothing', right? 'frothing'. I guess that's like 'chomping at the bit', right? You're so excited, t here's froth coming out of your mouth. Hasn't happened to me recently, but I think that's what it means. I'm frothing for a beer. I'm frothing for a beer. I really want that beer. And if you're in Australia, you might say 'I'm frothing for a frothy' and a frothy is a beer because it has froth on top, right?

Alright, number four, guys: 'gagging', 'gagging'. If you're gagging for something or you're gagging to do something, I guess you're so excited that you're like... right? You're choking. You're gagging. Oh, man. I'm gagging to go for a surf today. I'm gagging. I'm gagging for it.

Number five: 'freaking out'. 'Freaking out'. Pete's freaking out about seeing the next Joker movie. 'Freaking out'.

And the last one here, guys, number six, that has a rude word in it: 'to lose your shit', right? 'To lose your shit'. This is kind of like to go crazy, to get really excited, 'to lose your shit'. When she heard the good news, she started to lose her shit. I'm so happy.

Alright, guys, that is it for today. Thank you so much for joining me. Before we go, don't forget to like this video if you learn something new. Smash the subscribe button too, and give a poke to the bell notification button if you want to stay up to date with all the new videos coming out on this channel.

And if you want to watch the other videos in this series, there'll be some links at the end of this video or you can click in the description below to check out the full playlist of these videos, ok?

Also, if you want to take your English to the next level, subscribe to my podcast again. That will be linked below and you'll be able to listen to this episode on that podcast with the bonus section below in the description. Aside from that, guys, it's always a pleasure. I appreciate you and our chat in the comments below, ok? Peace!

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