AE 539 – Interview: How a Brazilian Moved to Australia and Became an English Teacher with Sávio Meireles Lemos
Learn Australian English in this interview episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I chat to Sávio Meireles Lemos about how he moved to Australia and became an English teacher.
AE 539 – Interview: How a Brazilian Moved to Australia and Became an English Teacher with Sávio Meireles Lemos
G’day, guys! Welcome to this episode of Aussie English. Today I have a special guest and hopefully I can say your name right: Sávio Meireles Lemos, right?
That’s right, Sávio Meireles Lemos.
It’s always harder. I can never decide whether to use an Australian accent when introducing people or trying to use a Brazilian accent.
That’s fine, man, either way it’s fine.
So, man, how did you… just tell me a bit about yourself and how you ended up in Australia? Because I thought you got a really interesting story that I wanted to share with people today so, I thought I get you on the podcast. How long have you been here? How did you end up here?
Yeah, yeah this is my second time in Australia so, in 2011. I made the move to Australia from Brazil and I ended up staying here for five years, almost. Between 2015 and 2018 I was kind of back and forth between Brazil and Europe. I’ve got friends and family in the south of Europe, Portugal, Spain, France and then you know, last year I applied for a visa to Australia and then, you know, decided to come back here and start a life from scratch, all over again.
Far out. So, that happens quite a bit. Like, I hear… I don’t know if it’s a common, a common thing with Brazilians, but some of my wife’s friends have definitely moved around different countries like…one of her friends Joana, if she’s listening, she came to Australia for a year and she went back to Brazil. Now she is living in France. Is it a common thing for a lot of Brazilians to try and go abroad nowadays?
I would say so, yeah. I think given the political situation, the economic situation, Brazilians they tend to find different options as for their lifestyle or profession in also as an experience to live overseas, even if it’s just for a few months. Yeah, I think most of my friends they’ve done that before and I think most Brazilians would be willing to do that in the future as well, especially if they can’t find a job in their field in Brazil, if they’re not happy with their lifestyle. Yeah, I think nowadays it is much easier than before to move to countries like Australia, New Zealand, Ireland.
So, what sort of preparation did you have to do before coming as well? Because obviously your English is at an amazing level now, what was it like before you came and were you focused on preparing yourself with regards to language and with regards to work or did you kind of just wing it, jump in the deep end and you just like ‘I’ll worked it out once I get there?”
That’s a really interesting question. When they can just for the first time, in 2011, I could barely speak English, my English was really basic. I didn’t have much money, I had like a thousand bucks in my pocket, but I wasn’t happy with my lifestyle in Brazil. I used to be a business man. I used to work in the travel industry in Brazil, had a small travel agency and I decided to just, you know, close the company, sell my car and come to Australia. So, I didn’t have much time to prepare myself. I didn’t have, you know, much knowledge on the country. Obviously, you know, I did my research beforehand, but it was more like an adventure. I like to think that I am challenge driven person so, I was willing to live, to lead a different lifestyle. Obviously, an English-speaking country would be the best option to me. That’s why I came to Australia. I had a 14 weeks English course, you know, health insurance, three days booked in a backpacker in the city here in Sydney.
So, you had the course already organised here in Australia or did you do that before coming out?
Yeah before, before, because obviously I had to come on a student visa. And at that time the shorter time, the shorter student visa possible was this 14 weeks English course visa.
And so, how did you find that, learning in a classroom?
Was kind of a… to me a really unusual situation because I was obviously sharing the class with, you know, Indonesians, you know, Thai people, Colombians, Brazilians and yeah it was a struggle, I’m not going to lie. At first it was really difficult. I started working in construction as well, something that I had never done before and also having to, you know, deal with all those things. Studying, working to pay the bills and also trying to have a little bit of a social life. So, yeah it wasn’t easy.
Was it a big shock? Was that were you expecting to have to sort of juggle that many balls in the air when you first planned to come to Australia or did you kind of think ‘Ah, I’ll just do my course, I’ll find an easy job it should be crusie, should be easy”? What was the sort of idea in your head before you got here?
Yeah, I wouldn’t say I was a big shock because I had been to New Zealand before that. You know, I spent three months in New Zealand travelling in 2008 so, I was kind of… and always had this, you know, travel bug myself. So, it was more like an adventure. You know, I was coming from, you know, a different country, I was working, you know, 12 to 14 hours per day. I was a businessman in Brazil and then all of a sudden I was just being an employee here, you know, working and receiving the money, but not not taking many problems, not having to deal with many responsibilities as I used to so, I was kind of… looking, looking back now, was kind of easy in terms of just doing the job and getting paid in, you know, trying to learn as much as I could about the language, the culture. Making new friends also, but yeah it was different, it was something different to have to, have to learn how to navigate through a different society.
What was that process like? Was it something that happened passively or did you actively have to put yourself out there to learn more about the culture, to meet people and to really dive into the language? Because I think that’s a big, a big issue that a lot of listeners probably have when they get to Australia they, quite often they get a very good passive skills like they get really good at listening and reading, but their speaking lags behind and they also find it hard to meet people because, again, they don’t necessarily go out there actively trying to do it all the time because it’s a lot of effort. Was that what you found and did you have to kind of give yourself a kick in the butt to keep being active and trying to improve and meet people and socialize?
Good question. Actually, Pete, when I arrived here, I hit the ground running. Yeah, I had to put myself in really difficult situations in order to learn in a faster pace. So, at first, I decided to leave with Brazilian’s because I needed to find work.
You needed that stepping stone, right?
That stepping stone, that’s right. So, I lived for six months with Brazilians in a surburb called Brookvale, here in Sydney. So, I was sharing the house with ten others, only two bathrooms, sharing the room itself with two others.
Ten others! Far out! You would have saved on rent.
Yeah, yeah, I was paying like 100 bucks a week at that time.
Far out!
But then once I kind of got the hang of it and say I was feeling a little bit more comfortable with the language and also navigating through the, you know, the city itself. I decided to move to a different house and live with Australians.
That’s the biggest step, I think. A lot of people get sort of stuck in that rut, right? They get to Australia they end up living with people from Colombia or Thailand or Brazil, you know, the same nationality effectively and then they get to a point where they probably can survive on their own, but they never pull themselves away from that situation. What advice would you have for people that are in that sort of a situation? Would you suggest that they try and keep thinking about how to get away from people from their nationality so, that they can advance quicker even if it is uncomfortable?
Yeah, I think that’s the right mindset. It’s not easy. I think we humans, we tend to do easy things to be more comfortable, but yeah, man, I think people have to keep in mind that if you want an easy life here, at the beginning is not going to give you much learning, you know, you’re not going to immerse yourself in the culture and the language, also I don’t think we can be too, we should be too extreme. I can live with Australians, but still you hang out with Brazilians, still go to Brazilian restaurants, you know, catch up with friends every now and then, but this step to move to an Australian house I think it made a huge difference in my life. I remember, I got to a point where I would go out, in Manly Beach, let’s say with two Aussie friends and two Brazilian friends. The Brazilian friends perfect English, fluent English, but if I wanted I could speak with the Australian guys and leave them out of the conversation. Obviously, I’ve never, I never did that, but just as an example, if I wanted, just by using phrasal verbs, idioms, slang and that kind of knowledge, I think it’s quite hard to acquire in the classroom.
Yeah, exactly, the stuff that’s used, right? And I found that with Portuguese, as you know I’m learning Portuguese, and it’s one thing to learn with a book and learn all the official stuff, but it seems like every time I have conversations with people I learn, on my Gosh, ok, you don’t actually say it that way when you speak, you contract these things, you would never use this, you know, sort of formal phrases and stuff and then the situations and everything and so, yeah it is funny how much more you learn when you just dive into these situations. The other day we went down the Great Ocean Road here with two of my friends from Sao Paulo, in Brazil as well, but they live in Melbourne and we just spent the entire day in the car with my wife and they were all speaking Portuguese and I had to try and keep up, but it was just so much more of a… I don’t know, an immersive kind of…that’s how I can do immersion here in Australia. So, what did you do with regards to finding friends and socialising? Because I know that that is something that requires much more of an active kind of… I guess plan, right? You can’t really think ”I’ll get a job, I’ll go to school and then friends will just appear” Australian friends, right?
Yeah, yeah, you’re right, you’re right. At first Pete, I used to go to those meet up gatherings.
The language meet ups?
The language to meet ups. As a matter of fact, I learned Spanish, Spanish in Sydney.
Oh really? You didn’t learn in Brazil? Far out.
Yeah, I spent more than a year going to a meet up here in Sydney, at the CBD. To hang out with Spanish speakers and, you know, practice the language, and obviously on the side, I was studying by myself, reading books, watching movies and so on, but yeah, on that Spanish group I made a lot of friends and we organize another one down in Manly Beach with other friends, Aussie friends and then that’s when everything started, but I think you’re right, you have to put yourself actively in those situations. Otherwise, it would be hard to find friends. You got to be more active and yeah, I think Sydney has a, you know, it’s the options for social interactions are endless here. You can go out every day of the week if you want to.
So, what would you say if you had some friends, whether they were from Brazil or not, they’ve just arrived in Australia, they have, you know, conversational English where they can communicate, they may not be perfect, they may not be anywhere near native level, but they can get along. What would be the suggestion you’d have for them if they said today what do I do to make friends?
This for just a number one. Subscribe for that platform meetup.com, and try to find like minded people, to try to find those, you know, small groups of people where they are discussing things that you like, let’s say, you know, English language, running, whatever, healthy food.
Explain more, what is meetup.com exactly? For those people who may not know.
Yeah, I believe meetup.com is the biggest social network when it comes to small communities on the planet. So, whatever you want, let’s say, I’m into technology and I’m going to find meet ups, you know, different kind of, kinds of groups here in Sydney, only to, you know, talk about technology to the type of language, let’s say Python or, I don’t know, Wordpress, dancing clubs, you know.
Yeah so, it is, it’s endless, you can find people who are pursuing any kind of hobby or even career related stuff and that they tend to get together on a regular basis and you can sort of sign up to go to those things, right?
Yes, absolutely, that’s right. Absolutely. Another advise that I could give to someone who, you know, let’s say arrived here a few days ago or weeks ago and are trying to meet friends, I’d go to the church if you’re a religious person, you know, there are a number of churches in Sydney where Brazilians get together.
They all congregate there, do they?
Yes, yes that’s right. So, they ended up meeting people, making friends and organising or other social activities to do together.
Brilliant. And what were the biggest hurdles with you with language and how did you overcome those?
I’d say was the pronunciation. The Australian pronunciation, even though I love it nowadays, but back in the day I remember wasn’t easy, wasn’t easy at all because I think grammar you can kind of, you know, hit the books and start studying every day for one or two hours and at the end of two ot three months it’s going to be, you are going to have covered most of it. Vocabulary, you can expand your vocabulary in a matter of, let’s say, six months, you can be pretty good at it. However, I think pronunciation would be a big issue especially if you’re dealing, which was my case, working in a factory with 60, 65-year-old Australians.
It wasn’t easy.
It’s not easy for us.
So, what did you do in order to improve your pronunciation? Was that something that you tried to keep actively working on the whole time that you were working on your English or is it something you just worked on in the beginning? Because that’s something that I have a lot of students asked, they’re always like ”do I need to worry about pronunciation? What should I be doing in order to improve pronunciation?”. So, what advice would you have for English learners with regards to pronunciation and how important it is and how to improve it?
I think it’s massive, pronunciation is massive. At first, just by the fact that I moved into an Australian house and started working for an Australian company, I was kind of absorbing passively the pronunciation patterns, but I also, even nowadays, man, every day I study pronunciation, every day I’m practising, I’m really… I like to observe people talking, right? And every day I go to a different coffee shop and there, reading my books or having coffee, but I’m paying attention to what people are saying to each other, I’m fascinated by, you know, culture and languages and pronunciation is a huge part of it so, I love it. Also, I think people they can do online courses. There are a number of specialists on the subject out there and I’m not one. I’m not one of them, but I can recommend a few of them. There is a guy called Pete.
Shameless plug, that’s it, far out! So, what was it like leaving Brazil and travelling the world? Did you have sort of a certain preconceived notion in your head about what New Zealand or Australia and these other places were like before you left Brazil and did it prove to be the case or did it prove to be something completely different when you actually put your feet on the ground and found out what Australia was like or New Zealand was like first hand? What was the kind of cultural differences an adjustment, what was it like?
Yeah, I think, I think we all do. You know, we do have those preconceived ideas about places and people, I tend to not travel with the mindsets of you know, I tend to not travel with a lot of expectations, that’s what I want to say. I like to go to the place open minded and meet new people and learn from them. That’s what I did in New Zealand in Australia, Asia as well. Europe, in particular, you can learn a lot when you drop down a preconceived ideas and judgments in, you know, try to learn as much as I can and also try to give back to the community, to try to get back to those people. Things like instead of staying at a hotel and staying, you know, at some local’s house. There are a number of platforms on the Internet as you know where you can find those people. That’s basically how I travelled to around Southeast Asia and meet new people and live with them to learn as much as I could about the culture and also to give back to them.
So, were there any things that sort of shocked you or, you know, big lessons that you learnt?
Oh yeah, yeah absolutely, absolutely. I think one thing that you’ll find out once you start travelling solo, is that poor people financially, let’s say, disadvantaged people they can be so kind to you and so nice. They can help you and contribute to your journey in so many different ways and levels. It’s amazing! And on the other hand, you can see that people, some other people, they are in a different condition financially wise and they can be greedy and really unhelpful at the same time, but again I’m not here to be judgmental. When I travel especially in Asia, I tend to go in to stay in really poor communities, far from the fancy suburbs. I think I can always learn with those experiences.
It’s pretty interesting, isn’t it? That was something I noticed when I went to Indonesia and just how in the big cities there was a lot more….probably like Australia, like any society, you have people who are much more self-involved and worried about themselves and tend to be more greedy and want something from you, but then as soon as we went out into some of these more rural places in Sulawesi on the big island in Indonesia, right? Where they have lots of mountains and these tribes and groups of people who rarely ever see white people, quite often you go there and they have nothing, you know, like clothes, food and somewhere to sleep and that’s about it, but they were like the happiest, nicest people you would ever meet and that was, that was a massive eye opener for me. I had no idea. It made me appreciate how much possessions don’t really mean anything at the end of the day with regards to happiness. You don’t go there thinking, you know, these people are going to be really sad and unhappy because they have nothing. You actually end up going there and you’re like ”holy crap!”, they’re making jokes, laughing. They just want to hang out. They want you to come over and see their friends and family and introduce you to everyone and they want to spend time with you constantly, whereas it is pretty funny how we think we have it really good in these sorts of societies with all the disposable income that we have, but as a result of that you kind of ended up, you end up more isolated because you don’t have to rely on anyone else, you know, that was definitely a massive lesson for me that I learnt from that trip out there.
Absolutely, I like, just going to say that I like the note at your backdrop there, ”vixe maria”
Kel leave stuff around the place just written in Portuguese all the time, she is always teaching me these weird expressions like, what was the other one? ”êrra diaxo!”.
Where is she from in Brazil?
She’s from the Northeast so, she’s from Mararanhão, São Luís.
Yeah. So, it’s funny. That’d be like… I guess, coming to Australia and meeting someone from the Kimberley, right? Someone from a very far away community from the average Brazilian and so, they’re always like ”oh your accent! Your slang” it’s almost like she’s a foreigner even though she’s from Brazil with the people that she meets most of the time.
Yeah. Nice, nice. Not far from my city, I’m from Fortaleza.
Ah, no kidding! That’s right, I think you told me that, right? And that’s further to the east, right?
Exactly, exactly.
So, what is Brazil like or what was it like growing up there? Because I’m always…this is almost a selfish, you know, part of the interview that I wouldn’t know more about culturally what sort of what was it like growing up in Brazil?
Man, I grew up in Fortaleza in a really simple suburb, right next to the stadium, to this soccer stadium. So, I was, you know, my my childhood was filled with activities on the streets, playing soccer. Hanging out with the mates from the suburb, going to the stadium to watch the soccer matches, the football games.
If you guys don’t know, Brazil likes football quite a lot.
It’s almost a religion. I t.
I think I’ve heard those sorts of sayings, right? You can say anything about Jesus, but don’t you dare say anything about my football team.
That’s right, that’s right. And also, a huge part of my childhood and teenagerhood was going to the countryside, because my parents they come from the countryside. So, every December and July, the school holidays, we would drive 600 kilometres to the south of the state.
Jesus, how long did that take?
It used to take about…almost 10 hours by bus.
Full on.
Because the road, they used to be pretty crappy, pretty, you know, destroyed, but nowadays by car it would take six hours.
Far out, though, that is a big distance. So, do you find that a lot of Brazilians, the families at least, are spread out across the country or do you guys tend to sort of all live in the same area where, you know, first arrived in Brazil? Because I’ve had groups like, I know Kel’s family all live in Maranhão and that’s one of the first places, I think, that the Portuguese settled, right? When they got to Brazil, whereas some of the other people I know who live in Fortaleza have family in Sao Paulo or in Curitiba, all the all these places in the south, and so they spread right across the country which is kind of similar to Australia where a lot of us will have family members in big, you know, I’ll have friends and family in Queensland or in Western Australia or in Tasmania, is it the same kind of thing where people and families are spread out all over the place in Brazil nowadays?
I think so. I think so, I think most of us have family spread out all over the place, taking myself as an example, I’ve got relatives in Brasília, São Paulo, Rio, Florianópolis, Joinvile, you name it!
Far out!
And also, overseas, I’ve got a few cousins and uncles in France.
So, what would you say if we were to compare Brazil and Australia? What’s something that Brazil can learn from Australia and that Australia could learn from Brazil?
Good question. Good question, I think we can learn to be more organized.
Brazilians you mean or Australians?
We, us, Brazilians we can learn to be more organised to be with you guys, more focused, I think the English culture is kind of interesting to me because you guys are not as warm as we are, as South Americans, but you can be really friendly and, you know, I’ve met some amazing people in Australia and I don’t believe we need to have many friends, you need to have good, you know, loyal and, you know, people in your life, but I would say relationship wise I find it fascinating that Australians they hang out, they help each other, you know, really, really cool people without the necessity of be over, you know, sticky or over warm in a sense.
Far out.
Man, what’s the plan for the future? Are you hoping to stay in Australia and keep teaching English because you work as an English teacher, right? At the moment, amongst other things I’m sure, what is the ultimate goal or do you want to keep travelling and end up in some other faraway land?
Oh, that’s a tricky question. It is not easy to answer that because as much as I love Australia and I love being here and living here, I’ve got, you know, so many friends, I’ve been in so many good places and experienced so many things here, that I feel a strong connection with the country and with people. Also, for the first time in my life I am teaching English at a high-level school, it’s one of the most reputable schools in Sydney and that helps me a lot, that gives me that edge, that’s, you know, a place to go and work and learn, every day I learn and things because I work with the best, with the best teachers.
How did that end up happening? Because I’m sure that most listeners will be thinking “what the hell? How did a guy who didn’t speak English very well before in 2011 end up teaching English at one of the most reputable schools in Sydney?”, Like, what was that journey and then would you recommend that to other people?
Absolutely, absolutely. I think we tend to carry some assumptions with us and those assumptions they don’t help at all. I’m a huge advocate of breaking assumptions, you know, questioning assumptions. So, when I… before I came just Australia for the second time this year I phoned a few friends here, right? And I told them, ”listen I’m going back to Australia, I have just applied for a visa, just waiting for the immigration to grant me the visa, but the plan is to go there and to work as an English teacher”, because I was already working as an English teacher back in Brazil.
Ah, gotcha.
Actually, I’ve been working for over four years now and I asked them ‘”do you think it’s possible to find a job at an English school?” and I asked three or four different people and they all gave me the same answer. They said ”Listen, Savio, I think you could try, but it won’t be easy because, you know, there is no shortage of English people coming here, New Zealanders, South Africans, the locals also… it won’t be easy”.
I think one of the things though that they forget right is that you can have access to someone who can speak the language at a native level, but who may be an incredibly horrible teacher because they have no idea or understanding, like if you went and asked my sister or my mother ”can you tell me how to use the Gerund in this past tense or whatever?” they’d be like ‘what are you talking about?”, they don’t have any idea about how to explain it, they can just do it, whereas someone like you and people listening to this podcast have spent years going through the process of actually learning it, which is an expertise in and of itself, right?
Absolutely, absolutely. And yeah, one thing is knowing how to speak the language and other thing is knowing how to teach the language. Myself, for instance, I can’t teach Portuguese.
Yeah, well, that’s it, right?
I say that to Kel all the time, I’m like ”how can I say this? What’s this word?” and she’ll be like ”I don’t know, look it up on line, I’m not a teacher I just do it!”. And the most annoying thing I think is when I say I’ll learn a grammar rule, like an example would be like you would Tu Estás, right? If you’re going to say TU and you want to conjugate that, you would say Estás, but they never say that, they say tu está and it’s just like what the hell? There are all these grammatical rules you learn and then you speak and she’ll be like ”no, no, that’s weird. You actually use this incorrect version and now you sound natural”.
Exactly. Exactly. But another thing that I asked these guys was what if I want to teach English as a private teacher?
Because obviously Sydney is an expensive place to live. They can’t charge, let’s say, less than 40 bucks and then they said ”oh, wow, really? Because, you know, Savio, some of the teachers here, they’re private teachers, they are native speakers and they don’t charge 40 bucks for an English class, they charge less than that”. I think the competition is growing. That’s why you know prices are going down. And I was like “really? Alright”. And then the question was… because, at the time, I was teaching private lessons in Fortaleza, in my city, but I don’t I don’t sell, you know, one class, you know, isolated, I don’t sell, you know, one class and that’s it. I sell a package, at least 12 lessons. I told them ”listen, I’m not going to… I’m going to sell a package of 12 lessons” and then they did the math and then they said ”so, what you’re saying is, you’re going to charge 480 bucks to a student? Students don’t have money, Savio, Forget about it”. Long story short, I arrived here and started doing my research and talking to people and ended up validating all my three assumptions. Validating, exactly the opposite of what they told me. Nowadays, I teach at an English school here, I charge more than I expected, more than I thought at first. So, I don’t sell only one English lesson, you know, one off. I sell 12 lessons cycle. It’s been working now to me, I think I’ve been able to help a lot of people and to provide high level quality lessons. Obviously, it’s a learning experience. Every day I learn something new, with the other teachers at school or with my students as well. I’m extremely grateful to my students. They all come from a different place, from a different background and they’ve been able to help me also to improve my craft.
So, you have any repeating kind of questions or issues that come up with these students and therefore tips that you keep giving over and over and over again to them when you’re teaching them?
I think they tend to take to different… on a different way. They are always concerned about work, even though they… all of them, they’ve been working here, they’ve got good jobs, but they’re always trying to work in their field, which is not easy, you know, especially if you are in elementary or beginner English speaker, but also there are some of my students who… they’ve been working for these companies for one or two years and then be offered the sponsorship.
The sponsorship visa.
And then they’ve got everything that it takes to apply for the visa, but they don’t have the English level to do the IELTS test.
Yeah, that’s what I was going to ask. So, you have a lot of them who have to end up doing the IELTS and the PTE and that sort of thing, do they?
Yeah, yeah. Nowadays I’m only working to students to improve their English level, with general English, English for business. Whenever somebody comes to me asking for IELTS lessons, I recommend them to a more qualified person.
Well, that’s the biggest problem, isn’t it? With like learning IELTS, it’s two parts: you have to learn how to pass the exam and you know fulfil the criteria that they’re going to ask you to sort of fulfill, but also you need to have a good level of English and a lot of teachers are just like ‘look, I can teach you English, but I don’t necessarily know how to nail every nitty gritty bit of the exam and the really important things to focus on”.
Exactly. So, do you know much about IELTS and PTE and have you noticed that more people are doing PTE than IELTS, because that’s something I keep… all of a sudden, I have all these students asking me to help them with PTE over IELTS. So, a lot of them are now saying ”oh PTE is the one that’s easier, it’s easier to do, it’s cheaper sometimes as well” and yeah, I was wondering, have you noticed a similar kind of thing?
Yeah, yeah absolutely, I think nowadays people they tend to… they are leaning towards the PTE, in a sense it’s easier because you are doing the test in front of a computer, is not a human being, you know, assessing you, it’s a computer. So, I believe in a sense it’s easier, but I don’t know man, to be honest, I’ve never taken those tests, I did, at the time, actually I’m a former student of this school that I’m teaching now.
Brilliant. So, you were there for years and then obviously that was, that was helpful on your resume, was it? Showing them the marks, you’re just like ”let me teach you now”.
No, that wasn’t the case, but I did the Cambridge course, the Cambridge preparation course, but only three months, back in 2013. So, yes, I kind of know one or two things about Cambridge, but IELTS I’m hopeless, yes.
Far out, man. Well, finishing up. How can people find out more about you and are you taking on any students at all via Skype or anything like that? Do you want to put yourself out there at any listeners who might want private lessons with you too?
Well, man, I’d love to, I’d love to if I had the time.
Ah, ok, you’ve got to get in the line, guys.
Yeah, I came… my full capacity, 12 students. I’ve been working with 12 students so, that’s why I can’t take in more students. Take on, but if people want to find me just Sávio Meireles Lemos on Instagram. I’m there pretty much every day, you know, filming things and talking to people in trying to add value to people’s lives, especially Brazilians who all aspire to live overseas, you know, who can…. who wants to have a different experience outside of Brazil to learn English so, I’m kind of providing and putting out content along those lines.
Brilliant! Well, Sávio, thank you so much for joining me today.
Thanks, man. It was a pleasure. Thanks for having me.
Too easy!
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