Aussie Culture & History
Module 6 - Dust Storms
Module 7 - The Hills Hoist Clothesline
Module 8 - Australian Seals
Module 9 - The Australian Frontier Wars
Module 10 - The Bombing of Darwin
Module 11 - The Dingo
Module 12 - Australian Flies
Module 13 - The Blue-Ringed Octopus
Module 14 - Bush Fires
Module 15 - Feral Cats
Module 16 - Shark Attacks in Australia
Module 17 - The History of Australian Money
Module 18 - Australia's Worst-Ever Cyclone
Module 19 - Mining in Australia
Module 20 - The Snowy Hydro Scheme
Module 21 - The Port Arthur Massacre
Module 22 - Cane Toads in Australia
Module 23 - Oysters in Australia
Module 24 - The Dreamtime
Module 25 - The Bathurst Races
Module 26 - Gambling in Australia
Module 27 - The Tasmanian Tiger
Module 28 - Australian Medical Inventions
Module 29 - Australian Climate & Weather
Module 30 - Coffee in Australia
Module 31 - Migration & the Gold Rush
Module 32 - Australian Bats
Module 33 - Convict Life
Module 34 - Banjo Paterson
Module 35 - The Aussie Ute
Module 36 - Akubra & the Slouch Hat
Module 37 - Surf Lifesaving
Module 38 - Bees in Australia
Module 39 - The Kokoda Trail Campaign
Module 40 - The Sydney-to-Hobart Yacht Race
Module 41 - Sir Douglas Mawson1 Topic
Module 42 - The Burke & Wills Expedition
Module 43 - Push Gangs in Australia
Module 44 - Australian Rodeos
Module 45 - History of Australian Pies
Module 46 - Australian Coffee Culture
Module 47 - John Gould
Uluru (a.k.a Ayre's Rock)
The Emu Wars
Bush Medicine
Australia's Worst Introduced Species
Deadly Brain-Shrinking Fungus
Surfing History and Australia
Bushfires & Climate Change
Climate Change & Australia's Future
Mapping Australia
Capital & Corporal Punishment in Australia

Transcript of Module 12 – Australian Flies
So, today I wanted to give you the lowdown (1) on flies in Australia. ‘The lowdown’, that is like information about them, details about them. The lowdown on flies in Australia. And I’m also going to tell you how flies will help turn poo (2) into birds. That’s right. They can turn poo into birds.
So, no summer barbecue in Australia would be complete without a certain uninvited guest (3) who always shows up before the meat even hits the barbie (4) and begins to sizzle (5), and has you giving the great Aussie Salute (6) to keep them out of your eyes, ears, and mouth. The Australian fly. However, there isn’t just one type of fly.
There are estimated to be more than 30,000 species of flies in Australia—more than enough species to make sure every single cubic inch of Australian airspace is occupied, whether in the desert, rainforest, or at the beach.
Despite the extensive (7) fly diversity in the Land of Oz, in the land Down Under, you’re only likely to come across four different groups of flies, which aren’t necessarily all equally as annoying. And these groups are: the bush fly, the housefly, the blowfly, and the mosquito. Yes, the mosquito is in fact a species of very specialised (8) fly, right. The mouthparts (9) of mosquitoes have obviously changed to become much more about injecting (10), well, piercing (11), and then sucking blood.
So, why does the fly population skyrocket (12) in summer? This occurs because of the warmer temperatures, which really speed up (13) the life cycle (14) of flies as well as other insects, obviously. So, it allows their numbers to explode (15) into fly-swattingly irritating proportions. Their life cycle from egg to maggot to pupa and to adult is only between 7 to 14 days usually. So, imagine when that speeds up, right. Imagine how many can breed and how quickly their numbers can increase.
How long have flies been pissing off (16) the average Australian (17)? Well, the earliest records show that from the moment Europeans set foot on the Land of Oz, in Australia, they were wholeheartedly welcomed by millions of sweat-thirsty (18) flies invading their eyes, ears, mouths, and any part of their body that they could get their suckers (19) on to.
Their aptitude (20) at being a formidable nuisance was instantly noticed by Captain Cook who discussed them as being “horrendous“. Needless to say, though, Indigenous Australians would have been thinking, “Yeah, mate! No shit, Sherlock! We’ve had to deal with these pesky things for 40,000 years or more.”
Although I’m sure most of you think flies are incredibly irritating and you wish they would just buzz off (21)—Get it? “Buzz off”—they’re actually an integral (22) part of the Australian environment and without them, we’d be up to our necks in poo.
So, what would happen tomorrow if flies just disappeared from Australia? Well, I’ve been thinking for a number of years, “Pete, they’d probably just cross the ocean from Indonesia or Papua New Guinea, from our neighbouring countries (23), and repopulate (24) the country within a few weeks.” Yes, okay. You got me. Well done. But let’s imagine that their return was indefinitely put on hold. Their absence would lead to a number of unpleasant and unforeseen (25) issues.
So, there’d be a cascading effect (26) on the food chain (27), right? And it would sort of be a cascading upwards effect (28), because flies are at the bottom of the food chain.
So, you may not realise it, but flies are actually an integral part of the ecosystem because they feed so many other animals like spiders, reptiles, frogs, and birds, and other insects, and those animals would all be affected and they may die off. Animals that feed on these flies would all die if they no longer had food.
As this famine (29) started picking up pace and more and more bodies started dropping—“dropping like flies” (30), you might say—there would be no flies to lay their eggs on the carcasses (31) of these dead animals as well as the poo that these animals had deposited (32) prior to kicking the bucket (33), prior to dying. And normally, these eggs would hatch into larvae (34), into maggots, and then consume the poo or the rotting carcasses of these animals, and then themselves grow into nice juicy flies that can continue the cycle of life as they get eaten by birds or spiders, etc.
So, that is why flies in Australia may be an incredibly irritating pest (35)—you may have to swat your face a little bit when you get here and it’s summer time—but they are definitely an important part of the ecosystem in Australia, and we should all be thankful that we have flies here, because without them, we’d be up to our necks in poo.
Vocab Glossary:
- Lowdown – The basic details or information about something.
- Poo – Informal term for animal or human waste.
- Uninvited guest – Someone or something that shows up without being wanted or invited.
- Barbie – Australian slang for barbecue.
- Sizzle – The sound or action of frying or cooking something at a high heat.
- Aussie Salute – Waving one’s hand to shoo away flies, typical in Australia.
- Extensive – Covering a large area; comprehensive.
- Specialised – Designed for a particular function or purpose.
- Mouthparts – The organs of a fly or insect used for eating or sucking.
- Injecting – Forcing a liquid into something, often with a needle-like structure.
- Piercing – Making a hole or opening by puncturing.
- Skyrocket – To increase rapidly.
- Speed up – To increase in pace or rate.
- Life cycle – The stages of development an organism goes through from birth to death.
- Explode – To increase suddenly and dramatically.
- Pissing off – Slang for making someone very angry or annoyed.
- Average Australian – Refers to a typical or ordinary Australian person.
- Sweat-thirsty – Describes flies attracted to human sweat.
- Suckers – Informal term for the mouthparts used by flies to suck liquids.
- Aptitude – A natural ability to do something well.
- Buzz off – An informal way of telling someone to go away.
- Integral – Necessary for completeness; essential.
- Neighbouring countries – Countries that are geographically close.
- Repopulate – To fill again with a population.
- Unforeseen – Not anticipated or predicted.
- Cascading effect – A process in which something, once started, causes other events to happen one after the other.
- Food chain – A series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source of food.
- Upwards effect – An impact that moves upwards in a chain or system.
- Famine – A severe shortage of food, resulting in widespread hunger.
- Dropping like flies – A phrase meaning many people or animals are dying or collapsing in quick succession.
- Carcasses – The dead bodies of animals.
- Deposited – To place or leave something in a particular location.
- Kicking the bucket – An informal phrase meaning to die.
- Larvae – The immature form of an insect that typically looks very different from the adult.
- Pest – An animal or insect that is destructive or harmful to humans or crops.