Natural English Conversations
1. The Snake Bite2 Topics
2. Drinking with the Flies2 Topics
3. Flamin' Mongrel!2 Topics
4. The House Warming2 Topics
5. The Coffee Mix-Up2 Topics
6. The Tour Booking2 Topics
7. Dental Humour2 Topics
8. Buying at Bunnings2 Topics
9. Caught in the Storm2 Topics
10. Directions to Uluru2 Topics
11. The Wildlife Hotline2 Topics
12. Convict Museum2 Topics
13. Date Night2 Topics
14. Buying a Ute2 Topics
15. No Hat, No Play2 Topics
16. Lost Budgie Smugglers2 Topics
17. The Farmer's Market2 Topics
18. Training for Kokoda2 Topics
19. Seasick to Hobart2 Topics
20. Trip to Antarctica2 Topics
21. Up the Guts2 Topics
22. Fish & Chips2 Topics
23. Iron Cowboys2 Topics
24. Pies for Lunch2 Topics
25. The New Barista2 Topics
26. Date Night2 Topics
27. Planning a Trip2 Topics
28. Buggered Up Bickies2 Topics
29. Doctor's Appointment2 Topics
30. At the Surf Shop2 Topics
31. Surviving the Bushfire2 Topics
32. Moving House2 Topics
Doctor: Hi, Peter is it? I’m Dr. Daniels. How can I help you today?
Pete: I’ve been tagged by a snake on the hand.
Doctor: Okay, I can see you’ve bandaged it up and immobilised it already. Come with me and we’ll fix you up.
Pete: No dramas.
Doctor: Lie down for me on the bed here, and before I remove the bandages, do you know what kind of snake bit you?
Pete: Yeah, it was an eastern brown snake. I was rummaging around in the woodpile beside the house and as I lifted up a plank I felt a prick on my left hand.
Doctor: Mmmm, I can see he definitely nailed you on the hand here as it’s starting to swell up. How are you pain wise?
Pete: It’s not that painful, though, I can definitely feel heat and pressure from where he got me.
Doctor: Yeah, although, sometimes these snakes will give you a dry bite we aren’t going to take any chances, as by the looks of it, you’ve been envenomated.
Pete: Definitely feels like it, doc. Hopefully, you can prevent me from kicking the bucket.
Doctor: Haha, not to worry. I’ve got some brown snake anti-venom here, which I’m going to give you via a simple injection.
Pete: Well, I’ve already copped one injection today, so might as well have a second one.
Doctor: Okay, are you ready? You’re going to feel a slight prick.
Pete: Ouch! Jesus, doc. That was worse than the original snake bite!
Doctor: Well, to be fair, the snake’s probably quicker and better practiced than I am.
Alright, lie back and take it easy for a few minutes as the anti-venom takes effect. Once the swelling dies down, you’ll be on your way.
Pete: You beaut! Thanks, doc.
Doctor: No worries, just keep an eye out for snakes next time you’re rummaging around the woodpile.
Pete: Sure. Will do! Thanks, doc.