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Natural English Conversations

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  1. 1. The Snake Bite
    2 Topics
  2. 2. Drinking with the Flies
    2 Topics
  3. 3. Flamin' Mongrel!
    2 Topics
  4. 4. The House Warming
    2 Topics
  5. 5. The Coffee Mix-Up
    2 Topics
  6. 6. The Tour Booking
    2 Topics
  7. 7. Dental Humour
    2 Topics
  8. 8. Buying at Bunnings
    2 Topics
  9. 9. Caught in the Storm
    2 Topics
  10. 10. Directions to Uluru
    2 Topics
  11. 11. The Wildlife Hotline
    2 Topics
  12. 12. Convict Museum
    2 Topics
  13. 13. Date Night
    2 Topics
  14. 14. Buying a Ute
    2 Topics
  15. 15. No Hat, No Play
    2 Topics
  16. 16. Lost Budgie Smugglers
    2 Topics
  17. 17. The Farmer's Market
    2 Topics
  18. 18. Training for Kokoda
    2 Topics
  19. 19. Seasick to Hobart
    2 Topics
  20. 20. Trip to Antarctica
    2 Topics
  21. 21. Up the Guts
    2 Topics
  22. 22. Fish & Chips
    2 Topics
  23. 23. Iron Cowboys
    2 Topics
  24. 24. Pies for Lunch
    2 Topics
  25. 25. The New Barista
    2 Topics
  26. 26. Date Night
    2 Topics
  27. 27. Planning a Trip
    2 Topics
  28. 28. Buggered Up Bickies
    2 Topics
  29. 29. Doctor's Appointment
    2 Topics
  30. 30. At the Surf Shop
    2 Topics
  31. 31. Surviving the Bushfire
    2 Topics
  32. 32. Moving House
    2 Topics
Lesson 1 of 32
In Progress

1. The Snake Bite

Peter February 22, 2019

Doctor: Hi, Peter is it? I’m Dr. Daniels. How can I help you today?

Pete: I’ve been tagged by a snake on the hand.

Doctor: Okay, I can see you’ve bandaged it up and immobilised it already. Come with me and we’ll fix you up.

Pete: No dramas.

Doctor: Lie down for me on the bed here, and before I remove the bandages, do you know what kind of snake bit you?

Pete: Yeah, it was an eastern brown snake. I was rummaging around in the woodpile beside the house and as I lifted up a plank I felt a prick on my left hand.

Doctor: Mmmm, I can see he definitely nailed you on the hand here as it’s starting to swell up. How are you pain wise?

Pete: It’s not that painful, though, I can definitely feel heat and pressure from where he got me.

Doctor: Yeah, although, sometimes these snakes will give you a dry bite we aren’t going to take any chances, as by the looks of it, you’ve been envenomated.

Pete: Definitely feels like it, doc. Hopefully, you can prevent me from kicking the bucket.

Doctor: Haha, not to worry. I’ve got some brown snake anti-venom here, which I’m going to give you via a simple injection.

Pete: Well, I’ve already copped one injection today, so might as well have a second one.

Doctor: Okay, are you ready? You’re going to feel a slight prick.

Pete: Ouch! Jesus, doc. That was worse than the original snake bite!

Doctor: Well, to be fair, the snake’s probably quicker and better practiced than I am.

Alright, lie back and take it easy for a few minutes as the anti-venom takes effect. Once the swelling dies down, you’ll be on your way.

Pete: You beaut! Thanks, doc.

Doctor: No worries, just keep an eye out for snakes next time you’re rummaging around the woodpile.

Pete: Sure. Will do! Thanks, doc.

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