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Real English Discussions Course

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  1. Introduction
  2. Real English Discussions Course

    Week 1 - Bushfires & Australia's Ecosystems
    5 Topics
  3. Week 2 - Deadly & Harmless Australian Spiders
    5 Topics
  4. Week 3 - Political Corruption in Australia
    5 Topics
  5. Week 4 - How Climate Change Has Worsened in Dad's Lifetime
    5 Topics
  6. Week 5 - Australian Pub Drinking Games
    5 Topics
  7. Week 6 - The Australian Open
    5 Topics
  8. Week 7 - Early Exploration of Australia
    5 Topics
  9. Week 8 - Tasmanian Devils & Tigers
    5 Topics
  10. Week 9 - How Australia Got Camels
    5 Topics
  11. Week 10 - Women vs Men's Sport in Australia
    5 Topics
  12. Week 11 - Australia's Most Dangerous Animals
    5 Topics
  13. Week 12 - Australia's Worst-Ever Bushfire Season
    5 Topics
  14. Bonus Section
    Bonus 1 - Origins of the Coronavirus
    5 Topics
  15. Bonus 2 - Why the War on Drugs Never Worked
    5 Topics
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  1. Turn something up – increase the volume of something, e.g. music or audio.
  2. A classic – (Aussie slang) something incredibly funny.
  3. A Tassie Devil – A Tasmanian Devil, a carnivorous marsupial found on the Island of Tasmania, Australia.
  4. Just as well – a good or fortunate thing; good even if not expected or intended.
  5. You mongrel! – (Aussie slang) you bastard; you nasty person/thing!
  6. Google something – search for something using the Google search engine.
  7. Dark chocolate – slightly bitter chocolate, of a deep brown colour, without added milk.
  8. A marsupial – mammals who are born incompletely developed and are typically carried and suckled in a pouch on the mother’s belly.
  9. Caffeine – an alkaloid compound which is found especially in tea and coffee plants and is a stimulant of the central nervous system.
  10. Adversely affect something – negatively affected; affected in a bad way.
  11. Holy shit!(informal) used to show shock, surprise, awe, etc.
  12. A share house – a house rented by multiple people who share it together.
  13. A heap of something – a lot of something.
  14. A cardiac arrest – a heart attack; where your heart stops beating.
  15. CPR – short for ‘cardiopulmonary resuscitation’, a technique used to try to keep someone alive.
  16. A lap dog – a small pampered pet dog.
  17. Not have a chance – have no hope of something, e.g. survival.
  18. Tasmania – an island state of Australia in the south east.
  19. Become extinct – (of an organism) completely die out.
  20. A fossil – the remains or impression of a prehistoric plant or animal embedded in rock and preserved in petrified form.
  21. Pre- something – before something.
  22. Around – approximately; roughly.
  23. An ice age – a glacial episode during a past geological period.
  24. A predator – an animal that hunts and eats other animals.
  25. A thylacine – an Australian marsupial carnivore similar in morphology to a dog.
  26. On its way out – in the process of going extinct/dying out.
  27. Hear mixed things – hear multiple opinions about something, often that conflict.
  28. The Mainland – the main island of the continent of Australia, i.e. not including Tasmania and other smaller surrounding islands.
  29. From memory – based on my memory.
  30. A dingo – a native Australian dog.
  31. Push off the Mainland – forced off of the Mainland of Australia.
  32. Introduce something into somewhere – (of an organism) brought to a location and released into the wild.
  33. Evolutionary biology – the subfield of biology that studies the evolutionary processes that produced the diversity of life on Earth.
  34. The Smithsonian – a large museum in America.
  35. A skin – the thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal.
  • At museums, ‘skins’ are the specimens that are dried and stored as a record of an organism for reference.
  1. Bottlenecked – where a population of organisms is reduced significantly in size and loses genetic diversity.
  2. I suspect… – I believe…
  3. Exacerbate something – cause something to get worse.
  4. A lamb – a baby sheep.
  5. Prey – an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food.
  6. Tassie Devil-wise – with regards to Tasmanian Devils.
  • -wise = with regards to something; concerning something.
  1. Genetically diverse – (of a population) have a large amount of genetic characteristics.
  2. A tumour – a swelling of a part of the body caused by an abnormal growth of tissue (cancer), whether benign or malignant.
  3. A cancer – a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
  4. Highly infectious – (of a disease) very easily spread amongst individuals.
  5. Assert dominance – display that you’re the dominant individual.
  6. A courtship ritual – behaviour displayed by organisms to determine if they’re going to mate or not.
  7. A tragic end – a very sad death.
  8. Resistant to something – immune or impervious to something.
  9. Sponsor something – give money to something.
  10. A breeding program – the planned captive breeding of a group of organisms to be released into the wild.
  11. Prevalent – widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.
  12. Repopulate (a location) – introduce individuals of a previously extinct population (to a location)
  13. Reintroduce something (to a location) – introduce individuals of a previously extinct population to a location) where they were previously.
  14. Directly compete (with something) – fight for the same resources (as something else).
  15. Pristine – in its original condition; unspoilt.
  16. Log (a forest) – cut down the large trees (of a forest) for timber.
  17. A regrowth forest – a forest which has had many if not most of its mature trees cleared or cut and felled for timber or woodchips.
  18. Viable – capable of working successfully; feasible.
  19. My Spidey-senses are tingling – (from the Spiderman comic) my intuition tells me something is wrong.
  20. Lo and beholdsomething that you say when you tell someone about something surprising that happened, often that was expected.
  21. Have gas – (of a baby) need to fart.
  22. Drop the ball – make a mistake; mishandle things.
  23. Screw up – make a mistake; do something wrong.
  24. Looney Tunes – an American animated comedy series produced by Warner Bros.
  25. One’s introduction to something – the first time someone experiences or is shown something.
  26. A European settler – a person from Europe who moves with a group of others to live in a new country or area, usually which has been recently colonised.
  27. Set up camp somewhere – (literal) establish your tent, fire, etc. at your campsite; (figurative) establish a place to live somewhere.