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Real English Discussions Course

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  1. Introduction
  2. Real English Discussions Course

    Week 1 - Bushfires & Australia's Ecosystems
    5 Topics
  3. Week 2 - Deadly & Harmless Australian Spiders
    5 Topics
  4. Week 3 - Political Corruption in Australia
    5 Topics
  5. Week 4 - How Climate Change Has Worsened in Dad's Lifetime
    5 Topics
  6. Week 5 - Australian Pub Drinking Games
    5 Topics
  7. Week 6 - The Australian Open
    5 Topics
  8. Week 7 - Early Exploration of Australia
    5 Topics
  9. Week 8 - Tasmanian Devils & Tigers
    5 Topics
  10. Week 9 - How Australia Got Camels
    5 Topics
  11. Week 10 - Women vs Men's Sport in Australia
    5 Topics
  12. Week 11 - Australia's Most Dangerous Animals
    5 Topics
  13. Week 12 - Australia's Worst-Ever Bushfire Season
    5 Topics
  14. Bonus Section
    Bonus 1 - Origins of the Coronavirus
    5 Topics
  15. Bonus 2 - Why the War on Drugs Never Worked
    5 Topics
Lesson Progress
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  1. My goss – my news.
  2. Going on – happening; occurring.
  3. Infected – (of a person, organism, etc.) affected with a disease-causing organism.
  4. Sports funding rort – a recent story about corrupt politicians fraudulently giving money to certain sports clubs.
  5. A grant – a sum of money given by a government or other organisation for a particular purpose.
  6. A sporting body – an organised group of people who deal with sport in an official way.
  7. The Department of Sport – the part of the Australian government that deals with sport.
  8. A federal election – an election where the Federal Government is voted on.
  9. A seat – a parliamentary constituency.
  10. An election – a formal and organised choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position.
  11. Pork-barrelling – the use of government funds for projects designed to please voters or legislators and win votes.
  12. Fund something – give money to something.
  13. Dodgy – (Aussie slang) dishonest or unreliable.
  14. Corruption – dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.
  15. Overt – done or shown openly; plainly apparent.
  16. Line one’s own pockets – make money especially by using dishonest, immoral, or illegal methods.
  17. Oversee something – supervise (a person or their work), especially in an official capacity.
  18. A set of criteria – a collection of principles or standards by which something may be judged or decided.
  19. Weight something – give something a handicap to improve fairness.
  20. Rank something – give (someone or something) place within a grading system.
  21. Funnily enough…used to indicate that, although something is surprising, it is true or really happened.
  22. Attend something – go regularly to something.
  23. Come out – be made public.
  24. See the light of day – (literally) be born; (figuratively) begin to exist or to become publicly known or available.
  25. Manage something – be in charge of (a business, organisation, or undertaking); run something.
  26. Hand something over to someone – give something to someone, often reluctantly.
  27. A bias – inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair.