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Real English Discussions Course

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  1. Introduction
  2. Real English Discussions Course

    Week 1 - Bushfires & Australia's Ecosystems
    5 Topics
  3. Week 2 - Deadly & Harmless Australian Spiders
    5 Topics
  4. Week 3 - Political Corruption in Australia
    5 Topics
  5. Week 4 - How Climate Change Has Worsened in Dad's Lifetime
    5 Topics
  6. Week 5 - Australian Pub Drinking Games
    5 Topics
  7. Week 6 - The Australian Open
    5 Topics
  8. Week 7 - Early Exploration of Australia
    5 Topics
  9. Week 8 - Tasmanian Devils & Tigers
    5 Topics
  10. Week 9 - How Australia Got Camels
    5 Topics
  11. Week 10 - Women vs Men's Sport in Australia
    5 Topics
  12. Week 11 - Australia's Most Dangerous Animals
    5 Topics
  13. Week 12 - Australia's Worst-Ever Bushfire Season
    5 Topics
  14. Bonus Section
    Bonus 1 - Origins of the Coronavirus
    5 Topics
  15. Bonus 2 - Why the War on Drugs Never Worked
    5 Topics
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

  1. It seemed very dodgy, right?
  2. How many seats do they need to win the election?
  3. The sports funding rort just won’t go away.
  4. There’s a lot of accusations of pork-barrelling.
  5. Politicians are lining their own pockets with money.
  6. They have a set of criteria that you had to apply under.
  7. You have to hand it over to the various government departments.
  8. The Department of Sport gave the grant to several sporting bodies.
  9. This is going to see the light of day eventually and your career’s over.
  10. Funnily enough, a lot of people who weren’t given grants were in safe Labour seats.