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Real English Discussions Course

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  1. Introduction
  2. Real English Discussions Course

    Week 1 - Bushfires & Australia's Ecosystems
    5 Topics
  3. Week 2 - Deadly & Harmless Australian Spiders
    5 Topics
  4. Week 3 - Political Corruption in Australia
    5 Topics
  5. Week 4 - How Climate Change Has Worsened in Dad's Lifetime
    5 Topics
  6. Week 5 - Australian Pub Drinking Games
    5 Topics
  7. Week 6 - The Australian Open
    5 Topics
  8. Week 7 - Early Exploration of Australia
    5 Topics
  9. Week 8 - Tasmanian Devils & Tigers
    5 Topics
  10. Week 9 - How Australia Got Camels
    5 Topics
  11. Week 10 - Women vs Men's Sport in Australia
    5 Topics
  12. Week 11 - Australia's Most Dangerous Animals
    5 Topics
  13. Week 12 - Australia's Worst-Ever Bushfire Season
    5 Topics
  14. Bonus Section
    Bonus 1 - Origins of the Coronavirus
    5 Topics
  15. Bonus 2 - Why the War on Drugs Never Worked
    5 Topics
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

  1. Come up – appear.
  2. A bonanza – a large amount of something desirable.
  3. Get out and about – leave one’s home and travel around.
  4. Young – juvenile animals.
  5. The distribution (of an organism) – the area where an organism is found living.
  6. A radius – a straight line from the centre to the circumference of a circle or sphere.
  7. Keep an eye out (for something) – look out for something with particular attention.
  8. A shovel – a spade; a tool used for digging holes.
  9. Milk (a venomous animal) – remove the venom (from a venomous animal).
  10. Venomous – (of an animal) secreting venom; capable of injecting venom by means of a bite or sting.
  11. Question something – feel or express doubt about something; raise objections to something.
  12. Deal with something – take the action necessary to resolve a situation.
  13. Rather than… – instead of…
  14. Passive – accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.
  15. Have a bad rap – have a bad reputation due to false accusations or lies.
  16. Superficially – as to the outward appearance only; on the surface.
  17. Have a bad time – have an unpleasant experience of something.
  18. A thorax – the middle section of the body of an insect, between the head and the abdomen, bearing the legs and wings.
  19. Spread – the extent, width, or area covered by something.
  20. A burrow – a hole in the ground that an animal lives in.
  21. Bark – the tough protective outer sheath of the trunk, branches, and twigs of a tree or woody shrub.
  22. Crawl – move forward on the hands and knees or by dragging the body close to the ground.
  23. A mozzie – (Aussie slang) a mosquito.
  24. An issue – a problem.
  25. A fan of something – someone who likes something.