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Real English Discussions Course
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Real English Discussions Course
Week 1 - Bushfires & Australia's Ecosystems5 Topics -
Week 2 - Deadly & Harmless Australian Spiders5 Topics
Week 3 - Political Corruption in Australia5 Topics
Week 4 - How Climate Change Has Worsened in Dad's Lifetime5 Topics
Week 5 - Australian Pub Drinking Games5 Topics
Week 6 - The Australian Open5 Topics
Week 7 - Early Exploration of Australia5 Topics
Week 8 - Tasmanian Devils & Tigers5 Topics
Week 9 - How Australia Got Camels5 Topics
Week 10 - Women vs Men's Sport in Australia5 Topics
Week 11 - Australia's Most Dangerous Animals5 Topics
Week 12 - Australia's Worst-Ever Bushfire Season5 Topics
Bonus SectionBonus 1 - Origins of the Coronavirus5 Topics
Bonus 2 - Why the War on Drugs Never Worked5 Topics
Lesson Progress
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- Wildlife – animals that live in nature.
- An ecosystem – A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
- Mass extinction – The complete dying out of a large number of species all at the same time.
- Recover ecosystems from fire – allow an ecosystem to regenerate after being damaged by bushfire.
- Replant something – provide (an area) with new plants or trees.
- A political environment – the current state of the government and its institutions and legislations.
- Get away with something – do something with no repercussions.
- Catastrophic – involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.
- A controlled burn – a fire that is lit to clear an area, but is under control.
- Grow up (in something) – get older or become mature (in a situation/environment).
- In decades past – in periods of 10 years in the past, i.e. the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, etc.
- Clearing – the removal of trees and other vegetation from areas of land.
- A controlled fire – a burn that is lit and then monitored safely by someone, usually a firey (Aussie slang: a firefighter).
- Heaven forbid – used to express a fervent wish that something does not happen.
- Running around doing something – go from place to place and do something.
- Some people just want to watch the world burn – some people just want to see things get destroyed.
- Account for something – provide an explanation for something.
- Legislate against something – make or enact laws to prevent something.
- A high school shooter – a person who goes to a school to kill their classmates in anger or revenge (with a gun).
- Mitigate something – make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.