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Australian English Pronunciation

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  1. Start Here
  2. Section 1: Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet

    An Introduction to the IPA
    13 Topics
  3. Section 2: The Sounds of Australian English
    Consonants: Pronunciation Tutorials
    26 Topics
  4. Consonants: Pronunciation Exercises
    26 Topics
  5. Consonants: Minimal Pairs
    21 Topics
  6. Vowels: Pronunciation Tutorials
    20 Topics
  7. Vowels: Pronunciation Exercises
    20 Topics
  8. Vowels: Minimal Pairs
    8 Topics
  9. Section 3: Advanced Lessons
    Lesson 1: -ED Endings
    11 Topics
  10. Lesson 2: -S/-ES Endings
    11 Topics
  11. Lesson 3: The Yod Part 1
    3 Topics
  12. Lesson 4: The Yod Part 2
    10 Topics
  13. Lesson 5: The Yod Part 3
    8 Topics
  14. Lesson 6: The Aussie R Part 1
    5 Topics
  15. Lesson 7: The Aussie R Part 2
    6 Topics
  16. Lesson 8: The Aussie /ɐ/ Sound
    4 Topics
  17. Lesson 9: H-Deletion
    2 Topics
  18. Lesson 10: The 'Mutant' N
    6 Topics
  19. Lesson 11: The Glottal T
    9 Topics
  20. Lesson 12: The Syllabic N
    11 Topics
  21. Lesson 13: The Syllabic L
    9 Topics
  22. Lesson 14: The Syllabic N vs the Syllabic L
    2 Topics
  23. Lesson 15: Syllable Patterns in English Part 1
  24. Lesson 16: Syllable Patterns in English Part 2
    1 Topic
  25. Lesson 17: Syllable Patterns in English Part 3
    5 Topics
  26. Lesson 18: Initial Position Consonant Clusters Part 1
    25 Topics
  27. Lesson 19: Initial Position Consonant Clusters Part 2
    5 Topics
  28. Lesson 20: Final Position Consonant Clusters
    30 Topics
  29. Lesson 21: Medial Consonant Clusters
    2 Topics
  30. Lesson 22: Final Stop Consonants Part 1
    1 Topic
  31. Lesson 23: Final Stop Consonants Part 2
    7 Topics
  32. Lesson 24: Aspirated Consonants
    3 Topics
  33. Lesson 25: The Pronunciation of X
    10 Topics
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Listen to the audio file and repeat these words aloud.

had – hæd 
mad – mæd 
stab – stæb 
glad – glæd 
map – mæp 
hat – hæt 
cat – kæt 
fat – fæt 
plat – plæt 
hack – hæk 
hacked – hækt 
whack – wæk
whacked – wækt 
knack – næk 
mat – mæt 
clap – klæp

æ – Tongue Twisters

Practice phrases to read out loud:

  1. This lad had a cat to pat.
  2. The yapping lap dog got zapped.
  3. I had to look at the fat bat clapping.
  4. She wrapped a cap of matt black wax.
  5. My comrade was glad to have a rad new pad.
  6. The chap had a crappy map that took him off track.
  7. The bad graduate had got mad and stabbed at his bag.
  8. She stacked a sack of cracked black fat on the yack’s back.
  9. The cat whacked his back with a pack of black trackie dacks (tracksuit pants).
  10. The gnat took a nap in a crack or gap in the scrap of Glad Wrap (cling wrap).