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Australian English Pronunciation

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  1. Start Here
  2. Section 1: Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet

    An Introduction to the IPA
    13 Topics
  3. Section 2: The Sounds of Australian English
    Consonants: Pronunciation Tutorials
    26 Topics
  4. Consonants: Pronunciation Exercises
    26 Topics
  5. Consonants: Minimal Pairs
    21 Topics
  6. Vowels: Pronunciation Tutorials
    20 Topics
  7. Vowels: Pronunciation Exercises
    20 Topics
  8. Vowels: Minimal Pairs
    8 Topics
  9. Section 3: Advanced Lessons
    Lesson 1: -ED Endings
    11 Topics
  10. Lesson 2: -S/-ES Endings
    11 Topics
  11. Lesson 3: The Yod Part 1
    3 Topics
  12. Lesson 4: The Yod Part 2
    10 Topics
  13. Lesson 5: The Yod Part 3
    8 Topics
  14. Lesson 6: The Aussie R Part 1
    5 Topics
  15. Lesson 7: The Aussie R Part 2
    6 Topics
  16. Lesson 8: The Aussie /ɐ/ Sound
    4 Topics
  17. Lesson 9: H-Deletion
    2 Topics
  18. Lesson 10: The 'Mutant' N
    6 Topics
  19. Lesson 11: The Glottal T
    9 Topics
  20. Lesson 12: The Syllabic N
    11 Topics
  21. Lesson 13: The Syllabic L
    9 Topics
  22. Lesson 14: The Syllabic N vs the Syllabic L
    2 Topics
  23. Lesson 15: Syllable Patterns in English Part 1
  24. Lesson 16: Syllable Patterns in English Part 2
    1 Topic
  25. Lesson 17: Syllable Patterns in English Part 3
    5 Topics
  26. Lesson 18: Initial Position Consonant Clusters Part 1
    25 Topics
  27. Lesson 19: Initial Position Consonant Clusters Part 2
    5 Topics
  28. Lesson 20: Final Position Consonant Clusters
    30 Topics
  29. Lesson 21: Medial Consonant Clusters
    2 Topics
  30. Lesson 22: Final Stop Consonants Part 1
    1 Topic
  31. Lesson 23: Final Stop Consonants Part 2
    7 Topics
  32. Lesson 24: Aspirated Consonants
    3 Topics
  33. Lesson 25: The Pronunciation of X
    10 Topics
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Listen to the audio file and repeat these words aloud.

Saw – s
House – hæɔs
Spit – spɪt
Scrape – skræɪp
Unzips – ɐnˈzɪps
Jigsaw – ˈʤɪgˌs
Scatter – ˈskætɐ
Stiff – stɪf
Fist – fɪst
Backs – bæks
Blitz – blɪts

Tongue Twisters:



Practice phrases to read out loud:

  1. Spit south so the winds scatter.
  2. So Susan slit the throats of seven goats.
  3. Sam’s shop stocks short spotted socks.
  4. Start saving single dollars selling jigsaws.
  5. She’s used to standing still and scraping stones.
  6. Seth’s stiff fist stopped several thieves stealing.
  7. Samuel saw Steven saying not to sell stinky sheets.
  8. Sixteen planes soared so significantly past the blitz.
  9. Stop selling seashells for Sally’s school on Sundays.
  10. Sit the ladders sideways against the house’s silly windows.