AE 1243 - Expression
Take The Cake
Learn Australian English in this expression episode of the Aussie English Podcast.
These episodes aim to teach you common English expressions as well as give you a fair dinkum true-blue dose of Aussie culture, history, and news and current affairs.

In today's episode...
G’day, folks! Pete’s back with another ripper episode of the show. He kicks things off with the classic Aussie ritual: a yarn about the weather and what’s been happening in his neck of the woods. And let me tell ya, there’s a cyclone brewing down under that’s got everyone on edge!
Joanne, a follower on Instagram, asks about Pete’s top pick for Aussie tucker. And what does he reckon? None other than the legendary lamington! Picture this: a fluffy sponge cake coated in choccy and coconut, a true blue treat if there ever was one.
Now, fair dinkum, Pete’s got a cracker of a joke about a stuffed teddy bear and a cake. Seems that bear couldn’t decide if he was full or just plain knackered! Classic Aussie humor, mate.
But today’s fair dinkum Aussie expression is “to take the cake.” Pete’s dished out some fair dinkum examples, like a kid causing havoc in the classroom or a TV show that’s a fair dinkum letdown. He’s even thrown in a ripper clip from the legendary George Carlin to give you a laugh and the lowdown on the phrase.
Get this, though: “to take the cake” ain’t just about winning a prize. Pete’s dug up the fair dinkum history behind it, and it’s taken a bit of a dive from its original roots.
Wrapping things up, Pete’s got ya covered with a bit of practice. He’s chucked in a dinky-di pronunciation exercise and a real fair dinkum listening comprehension bit using a clip from the out-and-out Aussie series “Fire Bite.”
So, don’t be a galah, give it a squiz, and learn a bit about lamingtons, Aussie lingo, and a fair dinkum expression that might just take the cake!
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